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From Oldest To Youngest. (+ these are the only main characters in the story or mentioned..)

Big Bo

Dancing rasta


Cool Joe and North Shaw Same Age

El Matador 

Shakes and Klaus Same Age

Twisting Tiger

(PS. Okay! If your a supa strika fan, you may state 'Shakes is the youngest!' and yup, I know but since this is an Au -sorta- I kinda want my own way. XD )


Tallest to Shortest is the same as the age: Big bo's the tallest and Tiger's the shortest.



Big Bo: Not really a main character, this guys rich and an amazing goalkeeper. His best friends are Blok and North Shaw since he defends the goal with both of them. (American)

Dancing Rasta: He's a main character. This amazing guy is a midfielder, and loves to mess around with his shorter companions. His best friends are Tiger and Cool Joe, because they always train together and knew each other before Supa Strikas formed. (Jamaican)

Blok: Not really a main character, this man is a very kind and loving soul, not really speaking much due to his problem of not being able to speak English. His best friends are North Shaw and Big Bo because of the same reason as the goalkeepers. (Brislovian)

Cool Joe: The only man in the team who doesn't have a normal phone, this midfielder loves music and is often found listening to it on the bus and in hotel rooms. His best friends are his two midfielders; Tiger and Rasta. (American)

North Shaw: Mr. Surfing is a great defender and loves to swim and playing football. His friends are his two defender buddies with an extra friend, Shakes, those two being the closest. (American)

El Matador: This Striker is the most expensive player there is, being arrogant and rude sometimes. His best friends are his Strikers Klaus and Shakes, but he's also friends with Tiger, just not as close. (Spanish)

Shakes: A striker who is known as one of the best goal scorers out there, this man wouldn't hurt a fly and always chooses good choices, being one of the wiser footballers. His friends are: Tiger, Klaus and El Matador, like the Spanish mans above. (African)

Klaus: An amazing, funny, quirky character, this male is a great Striker and tries to play the 'I'm stupid!' game before thrashing his enemies in a lot of goals. His closest friends are his fellow Strikers and his second closest friends are Big Bo and Blok. (German)

Twisting Tiger: Bring the shortest and youngest of them all, he sometimes finds it hard to fit in. Coming from a place far away from everyone in his team. His last team are Nakama FC, a fair-played group of Japanese people except the coach, who's a sneaky, good-for-nothing man. This characters best friends are his Midfielders and Strikers, but his closest friend is Dancing Rasta, who often offers his comfort when he's nervous and scared. (Japanese)


Coach: Their instructor literally known as Coach is a tough, amazing Ex-footballer who's super smart.

Lets go~

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