A glass of NightMares with a side of BreakFast

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This photo I drew looking at other people's drawings so I don't take full credit but I imagined miko Chen and twisting tiger swapping colours and it made me laugh.
"Did anyone even think this through?" El Matador said, rubbing his eyes tiredly as they got off the bus for breakfast, the ride being too bumpy for them to eat on the bus,

"Hmmm," The exhausted Tiger said, collapsing onto the soft yet cold grass, "I don't think so,"

"Tiger," Shakes said, holding out a groggy hand, "Don't lay on the floor. You'll get sick,"

The right-winger didn't take the mans hand, but politely refused it, stating the floor wasn't that wet and at Shakes insistence, took the males coat to sit on. He glanced around, eyebrow raised, "Where's Rasta?"

"Should be here soon," North replied, unpacking the food, "Lets get everything ready,"


Rasta sighed, leaning back against the driver chair. He wasn't that tired really, he stated to himself as he got up from the fluffy chair, back feeling great from the composure of the object. He began to walk outside, smelling the great smell of the food their chef had prepared for them on the trip.

"Morning everyone," He said, stretching, "Did you all sleep?"

Everyone nodded, munching on sandwiches, each packed with different things. Tiger smiled, the only man slumped on the floor, holding up the Captains food, "Here,"

The Leader took it, munching happily, "Who's taking the drivers seat next?" He asked,

"It's me next." Cool Joe replied, finishing off his ham sandwich, giving a grin, "The musics gonna be poppin' in the drivers area,

"Just keep it down, will you?" El Matador said, shaking his head in annoyance, "Its only like, one Am and I'm tired!"

"Nah, man, it actually four Am," Rasta stated, shaking his head, "We had ta go a little bit off track because of traffic last night - its gonna now take,"

"Another day," North Shaw interrupted, sighing, "Yay for us,"

"I'll start working on the drivers timetable," Shakes offered, looking around at his fellow teammates, minus Joe, who'd gone to put all his stuff into the drivers area for his part of drive.

"And I'll go and help Cool Joe," Tiger said, getting up and swiftly running and jumping up the stairs of the coach (You know I don't mean their football coach.. Its hard).

"Did Tiger actually sleep?" Questioned Rasta, raising an eyebrow at the remaining team but mostly looking towards the trusty member - Shakes.

"Well for when you left, he fell asleep almost straight away," The Striker said slowly, trying to remember, "And I'm certain when I fell asleep.. Around one Am or something, I'm not sure but.. I think he woke up and kinda looked around in fear? Like I said, I was half asleep, so I don't remember."

"Oh yeah," Klaus said, turning off his iPad to communicate with the others, "I remember that it sounded like he'd had a nightmare, but he didn't come to me for help, so I felt as if he didn't need anything or he'd of asked. So I let him be."

"That doesn't sound good," The Spanish male said, looking up at their Captain, "Should I go talk to him?"

Before Rasta could say anything, North butted in, "Nah dude," He said confidently, "Rasta and Cool Joe are Tigers mates, not us. They know him better," He turned to the tallest, "Am I right, dude?"

"I guess, man." The Jamaican shrugged his shoulders, "I'll go talk to him.. Maybe he knew ya were awake and now feels embarrassed about it. Just..." He paused, looking at his friends, "When we go back on, move forward a few more seats.. Give him some more privacy to talk, so he doesn't feel rushed."

"Gotcha," They all chorused, grinning.

"Hey, weirdos!" Joe shouted from the bus, making each of them turn to see the red-haired male and the afro man start to laugh, each poking their heads from the red and white coach door, "You coming?"

"Yes." Matador said, lifting his own bag full of sweets, chocolate and goods, "We're coming." He winked at the rest of them, "Remember the plan,"

"Dude, it was like ten seconds ago, of course we remember." Shaw groaned.




As said, everyone moved their stuff a few mores rows ahead than they'd originally sat, so when Rasta and Tiger sat down at the back, the right-winger noticed the change. He gave a small smile, "Does no one like you anymore?" He joked, "Or is it me?"

"Tiger..." Dancing Rasta started, arms crossed as the bus began to move, "I.. I heard that last night ya might've not slept."

"Hmm?" The Japanese mans smile slipped, turning into a frown, "Course I slept. No reason not too, right?"

"Everyone else said you didn't, man." The Captain said sternly, causing a flinch to radiate from the Tiger meaning either his assumptions where true or that he was just scary. He hoped it was the initial thought. "I'm worried. Please tell me."

The small male gave a sad smile, "I'm.... Fine...."

Rasta sighed, opening his arms for the younger. Said man shoving his head into the stronger males chest, giving a small sob. "What happened, Tiger?" He questioned softly.

"W-we where in Hydra's land," The now extremely small man mumbled, "Everyone was b-being h-held down by c-c-chains and L-Liquido he... He.."

"He what, Tiger?" The Centre midfielder asked, looking down at the ball of sadness in his chest,

"He s-started to f-flood the area a-and I watched us all....... Die."

The taller felt sympathy roll in as he hugged Tiger, "I wouldn't let anyone die," He promised, "And Hydra would never do that. Sure their big cheaters, but you know they'd never do that."

As much as he wanted to press on the nightmare, he held his tongue and waited until the harsh yet silent sobs stopped before talking again, "Wanna surf the internet with me?" He asked, "It'll make ya feel better,"

"Hmm," The now very tired male mumbled, still pressing his head against the Cap, "Kay,"


As they began to look through the internet at random things to take Tigers mind off the dramatic panic happening in the back of his head, they came across several photos of every footballer team member asleep....

"Thats just weird, man," Rasta texted North, making Tiger giggle,

"He's always been weird, Rasta."

"I know." He chuckled, "But he deserves to know for the thousandth time."


At times like this.. Tiger really loved his new team.

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