"This is boring,"

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The bus rolled on slowly through the snow, this time due to the freezing temperatures, the drivers being granted a holiday pass, which meant currently, Shakes was driving - doing a good job as well.

In the furthest area from driving Striker (The best seat as they call it - the back) sat Rasta, looking through his phone, a steady eye studying Iron Tank play Nakama FC and sad for the Captain to say, thrash them. 

In the seat besides him -closest to the window- Tiger was slumped there, knees drawn up onto the seat, head leaning against his Leaders shoulder, giving a small snore every once in a while. 

The reason Twisting Tiger had been so conked out is that he'd been training non-stop since the match against Liquido and Hydra, which they'd won, but only by a thread. And now to Rasta, it seemed the Japanese's body could no longer function under the intense training and had resorted to sleeping through their day and night trip to one of the coldest areas - the north of Canada. 

North Shaw sat a few seats in front of them, and he turned around at hearing a few quiet, light snores, "Rasta?" He asked, giving a confused look, "Who's next to you?"

"You really can't see him?" Cool Joe said from North's side, giving a quirky eyebrow raise, "Its Tiger..... Ya know, Mr. Shortie?"

The surfer quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, causing the two awake footballers to tilt their head in obvious puzzlement, "North?" Their Captain questioned, "What are you doing?"

The American got out of his seat, edging closer, as if caging an animal, "I've seen everyone on this ride sleep before but never Tiger! I just wanna see. Shakes says he looks cute when he sleeps."

"Thats just... weird," El Matador butted in, shaking his head, "But I'm sure you mean you don't watch us sleep when we're paired in rooms, right? Just on the bus?"

"Yeah.. Duh, thats crazy,"

"Good," The Spanish male snorted, turning back, "Take a photo and send it to me," He asked, giving a chuckle, "I've never seen Tiger sleeping too,"

"Really, man?" Questioned Rasta as the Defender neared, "Just leave Tiger alone - he's been through intense training and doesn't need you bugging him."

"Just let me see him~" North sang, grinning coming closer.

The Captain placed his phone away, unbuckled his seatbelt and edged closer to Tiger, taking off the males seatbelt too before placing the youngest Midfielder on his chest. He poked his tongue out, "Now you can't take a photo without me being in it," He said, watching as Tiger moved closer to his chest, "And the would ruin a good background." 

Suddenly, the Spanish man appeared from nowhere, snapping a photo, "But the internet will love this!" He laughed, "They just adore shipping people. Think of the fan fictions~"

"Great, you really screwed yourself over for that, Rasta," The other Midfielder said, placing his iPod and headphones down to look at the Captain, who sat almost scowling. 

"Yeah I know," He sighed, but held the red-haired male closer, "But you have ta admit, man. He's pretty cute,"

"More like Adorable~" Sang El Matador and North Shaw.

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