Half way through the bus journey

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The smallest male groaned, eyes slightly opening to find himself seated in the second oldest football player. "Aw crud," He said, trying to get out but being pinned against the mans chest by said male, "Cmon, Rasta," He whispered, gentle trying to ease himself away from the grabby captain, "I really don't wanna sit and do nothing," He groaned quietly, but placed his head back onto the leaders shoulder in a defeated slump, "Ugh," He said, glancing around the bus until he saw that North Shaw was gone and in his wake, Shakes had taken the seat, sleeping with his neck in an awkward position that made the Tiger wince. "Thats gonna hurt, Shakes."

"Need someone to get ya outta there?" A voice asked, chuckling, and Tiger looked around the room, wondering who the voice was until it came again, "I think you need a rest though. You look exhausted, man."

The midfielders eyes whipped up to see Rasta giving a smile, "Hi," The younger said simply, yawning, "I'm sorry I woke you," He quickly apologised, "I should'a just went back to sleep. I-"

"Its okay, you know, man." The second oldest said, shutting the Japanese male up, "You slept in a slightly uncomfortable position anyway, so I'd suggest I move and let you stretch."

The right winger gave a tired smile as Dancing Rasta moved, and the Captain noticed the dark circles under the latters eyes. Not good. "Are ya sure your not tired?" He asked, giving a glare,

"Promise!" He said, but suddenly switched conversation topic as he stretched like a Tiger, "Whats the time?"

"Its around six Am and North is driving right now." The Leader looked at Twisting Tiger, "Your meant to be next for driving, but I really think you shouldn't."

"I'll be fine," He promised as he finished his morning stretches, curling comfortably back onto the seat, "It'll just be for like three hours, Rasta."

"I know but-"

"I can take his shift," A groggily Joe said, tiredly turning around to face the pair who sat a few rows back from him, "Just give me a few to wake,"

"Or I could take it," Said the German Striker, sitting cross legged on two seats near the front of the bus, "I've been awake for around ten minutes and I'm already feeling pumped,"

"I don't think I really want to fall asleep again knowing Klaus could take over the bus," Came a Spanish speaker, who gave a snort, placing his goggles on to look at everyone in the area, "I could do it though, as painful as it sounds to me."

"Well whatever happens," Tiger finally butted back in, "I am so not up for El Matador's parking,"

"Agreed," Everyone mumbled besides Shakes (Who was asleep) and the Spanish man himself,

"Unfair," He whispered, but curled back up against his pillows, silently pouting at the annoyance of his teammates.

"So who's going, Cap." Asked Cool Joe, who'd managed to wake enough to see straight,

"Me." Said man stated, going to get up, "Although I want one of you to make sure Tiger here goes to sleep." He eyed the red-haired male, "This may sound parent-like, but if your not asleep or more rested by the time I get back, your sharing a room with me."

The fearsome Captain walked through the middle section of the bus, disappearing behind a door which lead to the drivers area.

"Thats not that bad," Klaus said, his German accent filtering through his words, "It'd be worse to share a room with El Matador,"

"Heard that." Came the tired voice of their Spanish friend, who buried himself further into the covers.

"I'll come sit next ta ya, Tiger," Joe said, getting up and moving past Shakes, who was still passed out, "We can listen to some tunes to get ya to sleep,"

He gave one head plug to Tiger, who placed it into his ear, head falling onto the pillow that was wedged between the afro wearing American and the Spiky-haired Japanese men, eyes pulling shut at hearing the familiar tune of one of Joe's favourite songs;

Whatever it takes, by imagine dragons...

'Fallin' too fast to prepare for this,'

Tiger thought of the times he'd fallen; mentally and physically,

'Trippin' in the world could be dangerous'

He thought of all the times when his teammates could've died,

'Everybody circling. Its vulturous; negative; nepotist' The man in the phone sang, 'Everybody waiting for the fall of man.' it continued, 'Everybody praying for the end of times.'

'Everybody hoping they could be the one,' it sang brokenly, but Tiger mouthed the chorus tiredly,

'I was born to run. I was born for this....; whip, whip, run me like a racehorse. Pull me like a ripcord. Break me down and build me up. I wanna be the slip, slip. Word upon your lip, lip. Better let you rip, rip.' he paused from his lip syncing before continuing, 'Break me down and build me up.'

'Whatever it takes~' he started to hum, 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins~~'

He remembered when Hydra strapped a weight belt to him, forcing him onto the bench, feeling the need for vengeance hard,

'I do whatever it takes~'

He remembered going onto the pitch, changeling Liquido,

'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains~'

Remembered getting the weight belt off, remembered seeing the look on his angry face.

'Whatever it takes~' he began to lip sync again, 'Yeah take me to the top, I'm ready for whatever it takes~~'

His eyes began to slide down closed, still syncing with the last words of the chorus, 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins...' he began to slip into a deep sleep, 'I do what it takes~'







Okay! So, the song 'Whatever it takes' is amazing and I thought I'd add it in because I guess it suited with Supa strikas? Yeah, whatever.

Heres what the song sounds like:


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