One: Four Months

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T U E S D A Y | J U L Y

GRADUATION WAS less than a month ago but it feels like it was years ago.

Do you ever get that feeling? The feeling of a memory being so far away. You know, as if it was in the distant, or even as if it was just a dream?

It's safe to say the graduation night was the best day of my life.

After the ceremony, instead of going to the after party hosted by the school, Mary, Sam, and I all gathered in my basement drinking my dad's old whiskey and just chatted like the best friends we are. We sat on the floor, Sam and I in our suites, Mary in her dress, and just recounted the events of this year out loud.

We shared some laughs, some cries, mostly laughs, and finally like the night was just washed away, the clock struck midnight and it was officially the first day of summer.


IT WAS ten thirty- eight in the morning when I woke up.

Oh, how I do not miss waking up at six o'clock every morning for school. I stretched and felt my back crack. I let out a sigh of content, today's going to be a good day.

I climbed out of bed, walking into the bathroom. I finished and washed my hands and splashed my face with some water. Going back to my room I changed into sweatpants and went downstairs for breakfast, not bothering to put a shirt on.

Sue me.

I saw my brother Jack sitting at the island typing away at his phone probably texting his boyfriend, Liam. Liam and Jack have been dating for several months, a few months away from a year now, and they literally could not be happier with each other. Jack talked non-stop about him and whenever they went on dates Liam calls me for advice on what he should wear.

Liam could wear a garbage bag and Jack wouldn't give a shit.

Jack looked up for a brief moment, nodding his head towards me, then tapping away again on his phone. I opened the fridge to find a plate with my name on it. I took it and read the note from my mom.


Had to go in for work this morning, made you extra scrambled eggs and bacon. Have a good day!

Love mom. xoxo

I smiled slightly, unwrapping the plate from the tinfoil and placing it into the microwave. My mom is the best. I set the microwave for 40 seconds and walked away, getting some water.

"What's Liam saying?" I ask Jack, taking a sip of water. Jack placed his phone down looking up at me again. "Leave out the lovey dove-y shit."

"Why do you assume I'm talking to Liam?" He shoots back raising his eyebrows defensively. I shrug.

"Are you?"

He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped and grumbled out, "Yeah, yeah whatever." I chuckled and turned toward the ding of the microwave. I grabbed a fork and sat down next to him starting to eat.

"When'd you wake up?" I asked with my mouth full, man, mom makes great scrambled eggs.

"About a half hour ago," he said standing up and shoving his phone into his pocket. He walked around the island and opened the fridge grabbing a water. "I'm going for a jog in a bit, you coming?"

I shrugged, I haven't been on a jog in a while, I could use it. I shoved the rest of my bacon into my mouth, and put my plate in the dishwasher.

"Meet you at the block in ten," I say going back upstairs to put on a shirt and brush my teeth. He nodded and plugged in his earphones. "Don't start without me!"

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