Six: Past Revealed

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T U E S D A Y | J U L Y
"I remember the roses on your shirt when you told me this would never work." -Want You Back, 5 seconds of summer

SAM HASN'T told anyone else about Fiona adopting him.

He actually considered telling her not to adopt him since he's eighteen now, but I won't let that happen. I knew it was hard for him to believe that Fiona actually wanted to adopt him.

I also knew he had to tell Mary at some point, but he's scared of how she'll react, which is stupid because we both know she'll be overjoyed. Plus he has a perfect opportunity right now for him to tell her with me by his side.

We waited in the familiar tattoo parlour as Fin was in the back getting some tattoo 'he's been wanted for a few years'. Sam's leg bounced up and down as Mary tapped away at her phone next to him talking to Genevieve, which angered me.

We waited for a few hours actually, and Mary even considered getting another ear piercing
while she waited; she decided not to. Her mom almost killed her for getting the first one.
I felt my phone ding and I scrunched my eyebrows together at who it was from.

2:13- Maryyy: you and G had a fight?

"Sam knows," I say simply pocketing my phone again. She looked up and licked her lips. Sam perked up at the sound of his name.

"Oh, well do you want to talk about it..." she drawled. I gave her look that spoke for itself, which was no. She raised her hands in surrender and turned back to her phone.

"What do I know?" Sam then said in confusion. I let out a exasperated breath and stood not wanting to have to think about Genevieve right now. I still don't understand why she didn't just tell me her grandmother died. Hell, I would have gone out to Cali with her for the funeral.

"I'm going down the street and getting a coffee," I pinched the bridge of my nose and left the parlour. I walked slowly and tried to make sense of this whole thing. I still didn't feel at ease with Genevieve and it bugs me. I hate fighting with people.

I walked into Starbucks and stood in line. It wasn't too long of a line, and it gave me time to think about what I wanted. I looked at the board and frowned. There are too many options.

"Can I help you?" I snapped my head up at the sound of the voice and scratched the back of my head. I walked a little closer to the counter and clear my throat.

"Yeah, I'll have an iced coffee with milk," I say pulling out a ten dollar bill. She asked for a size and then took my bill and gave me change. "Thanks,"

"And your name?" The cashier asked waiting for my response. I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"George," she scribbled my name down and smiled. I moved over to the little serving area, when I got a text from Mary again.

2:22- Maryyy: Get me a cookie?
2:22- Me: already payed. Get it yourself 🤷🏼‍♂️
2:23- Maryyy: you suck 🖕🏻

I chuckled and put my phone in my pocket before hearing my name being called for my drink. I took it and moved to the little prepare thing, where all the straws and stuff were. What is that even called? (A/n: seriously what is it called?) I took a straw and opened it up sticking it into the lid. I walked back to the parlour sipping my iced coffee which, may I add, was really good.

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