Ten: Those Fucking Chest Tubes

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M O N D A Y | A U G U S T

I WOKE up alone and unable to breathe properly. 

Good fucking morning

I knew my mom had gone to work and so had my father, but where the fuck was Jack?

I took in my surroundings more and noticed I was in a different room than last night. I was no longer hooked up to IV and I thanked god because that needle hurt like shit.

I saw a small suitcase on a shelf across the room and smiled at it. My mom had definitely woke up early, went home, packed it for me and then went to work.

My phone buzzed next to me and I realized she'd brought my phone, earphones and charger too.

Gotta love your mother, y'all.

I reached over and read the messages.

2:40AM-Maryyy: are you okay?? I'll try and come see you tomorrow
3:09AM- Sammy Wells: dude! You're lung collapsed again?
8:00AM- JACKO: sorry bro, had to leave. I got a orientation for work. told the nurse you don't like pineapple. It was on the breakfast menu.

I smiled slightly at Jack's message, I'd forgotten he had that orientation thing. As if on cue, the nurse came in with a tray of food. She smiled brightly at me and place the tray down on the mini table. I thanked her and went to eat the fruit bowl they brought out.

I looked down at the bowl and scrunched my nose in disgust, they were all mushy. I put he fruit back and rummaged for something that looked at least somewhat appetizing but nothing did. I guess I wasn't really in the mood for eating anyway, I'm going to get a tube shoved up my chest in a few hours.

Way to be optimistic.

But seriously though.

How can anyone be optimistic about all of this anyway? It sucked a lot. All I can do is sit in this hospital bed and hope to get better. I've been awake about three minutes and I'm already bored out of my mind, I won't survive being in here for a whole week.

I sighed as I replied to Jack, Sam and Mary quickly.

9:03- Me: I'm okay, hope to see you, bring coffeeeeeeeeee
9:03- Me: yea, bummer. Food's shit.
90:4- me: thanks the fruit was mushy anyway though.

I seemed to have dozed off a bit because when I woke up again it was around lunch time and my tray of burnt toast and mushy fruit had been replaced by a sandwich and a juice box.

What am I, five?

Soon the doctor came in suited up in scrubs, and immediately knew it was time for the procedure. He smiled and came up stopping at the foot of my bed. The nurse had come back and was scribbling something on a little whiteboard. She checked my vitals and stuff and wrote that down too.

"So George, it's the big day!" I raised my eyebrows in shock. We're talking about the same thing, right? He smiled wider, if that was possible, adjusting the scrubs he was wearing. "Are you nervous?"

"Only a little," I lie. In all honesty, I'm shitty my pants— er, hospital gown.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself, then." he came up and shook my hand, his grip was firm but painful, since my hand still hurt from the IV. "I'm doctor—"

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