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"Juliana? It's Peter, you got a sec?"

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"Juliana? It's Peter, you got a sec?"

"Yeah, I was just on my way to my store, why? What's up?"

"It's about your store actually...Jules, it was broken into last night."

"You're kidding me! I'm on my way there now."

"My C.I. and I will meet you out front."

"Alright. I'm five minutes away. Leaving now."


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When Juliana pulled up front, she immediately spotted her brother and his new friend

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When Juliana pulled up front, she immediately spotted her brother and his new friend. She got out of the car, glancing at the front of the store. Smashed windows, a broken door, and pieces of art missing. Saying she was glad Peter was there was an understatement.

She shrugged and shook her head, standing next to her brother, squinting her eyes to see.

"I don't get it. Not a single piece of clothing missing, but all of the art is." She muttered.

"What time did you close last night?" Peter asked, looking down at his sister.

"We closed at 9:30. I'm usually there to help close but last night, I got held up in a meeting."

"Do you have a list of employees?" The other man spoke.

"Yeah, I have them back at my apartment. I always kept the files there for safe keeping."

"Jules, we're going to need those files. Maybe we can find out why they took your art and if they're going after you."

"Fantastic." She muttered under her breath. Peter excused himself and walked over to the other officers, leaving Juliana and the mystery man. "So who are you?" Juliana asked, looking at him.

"Neal Caffrey. Former con artist who now helps the FBI in any white collar case." She glanced down at her wrist. N.C. "You're Peter's sister?"

She nodded, simply smiling at him. "Yep. He was pretty much the golden child."

"Seems like it, struck me as the type to hang his report cards and tests on the refrigerator."

"He was good at academic things. I was always on the creative side. My parents told me I wouldn't be successful as a clothing designer. I'm starting to think they're right."

"Hey, whoever broke into the store was after the art." She sighed, and glanced at store, getting sad once more. "I'd gladly look at some of your clothing for guys...you know, if I got paid."

Juliana grinned. "They don't pay you?"

"Nah, they do. Not enough."

"First outfit is on me. You know, if you catch who is responsible."

"Oh, so there's a catch now?" Neal laughed, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"It makes you earn what you want...if that makes any sense."

"I gotcha. You know, I never caught your first name. Only that Peter calls you Jules."


"Nice to put a name to a face. I'm gonna see if Peter needs any help." Neal began to walk over to Peter, looking down at his wrist. J.B.

This was about to get a lot more complicated.

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