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"I'm telling you, Moz, she's my soulmate

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"I'm telling you, Moz, she's my soulmate." Neal told him, glancing back down at his book. He was trying to compile a list of people that he's come across with those initials. Only one name was written, and that was Juliana.

"Are you absolutely sure that you don't know anyone else with those initials?"

"I'm pretty sure my soulmate isn't Justin Bieber. She's the only other person I know with those initials, it has to be her."

"How do you think Peter will react?" Mozzie questioned, taking another sip of wine.

"Peter can't know...at least not yet."

"Do you think she knows it?"

Neal sighed. "I saw her look down at her left wrist after I introduced myself. She has to."

"Are you going to talk to her?"

"There's not way around it. I'm gonna have to at some point, it's just a matter of when."

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"Are these all the employee files?" Peter asked, opening one

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"Are these all the employee files?" Peter asked, opening one.

"I brought all 12 of them. Do you think it was an inside job?"

"It's possible. The employee who knew you were in a meeting could've 'closed' but left the door unlocked. We're pursuing a few theories right now."

"Let me help."


"Peter, I don't wanna stay there just in case anything happens. Let me help you here at headquarters." She pleaded.

"I don't have a problem with you helping at headquarters, where are you going to stay? I would love for you to stay with El and I, but our guest bedroom turned into the nursery."

"I'll stay at a hotel or something. It doesn't matter to me, I don't wanna be home alone right now." Juliana sighed. "I'm gonna grab some coffee? Want one?" She asked quietly, slightly annoyed that he wouldn't tell her what leads they were pursuing.

"Yeah, if you don't mind. Neal! Go with Juliana to grab coffee!" He shouted down to Neal who sat at his desk. "I don't want you walking by yourself." He told his sister.

She nodded, blocking his voice out as she walked down the stairs and over to Neal.

"Ready?" She questioned as she stopped in front of his desk.

"Absolutely. I could use a cup right about now anyway."

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"Thanks for coming with me

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"Thanks for coming with me. I really appreciate it." Juliana muttered as they walked together.

"It's not a problem. Things looked tense in there, everything okay?" Neal asked as he glanced at her.

"Peter can just be really annoying sometimes. I told him that I didn't want to stay at my apartment just in case something were to happen. He kept asking where I would stay and never told me what leads they were working on." She huffed, running her hand through her hair.

"Where are you going to stay?"

"Probably some random hotel. I told him that I didn't wanna be alone and he seemed to just dismiss my thoughts. He gets irritating to deal with sometimes."

"I know we just met the other day, but you could crash at my place. It's not far from the headquarters and it has a very nice wine collection, might I add." Neal chuckled. Juliana grinned and looked up at the tall man.

"I'll take you up on that offer." She agreed. "And since you're letting me crash with you, coffee is on me."

"Oh, Juliana, I can't let you do that."

"You said yourself yesterday that they didn't pay you well, trust me, it's not a problem." She reassured Neal, ordering their drinks. "I shouldn't be there more than a day and then I'll be out of your hair. I promise."

"Take your time. I'm glad you're staying somewhere other than your apartment tonight. You never know what the guy is after." Neal pointed out, grabbing his coffee from the counter. "I think we should talk about some things too." 

"I agree with you there. One more thing..." Juliana started to say, paying the cashier. "We shouldn't tell Peter."

"I was thinking the same thing."

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