Chapter 5: Testing Your Control

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                When Jackson was in the kitchen, he dropped the bowl to the sink and placed the fruit in the refrigerator. He rubbed his temples. He did not understand what’s happening to him.

                A leopard does not simply allow intrusion within its own range except for its mate, but with this woman who was not even her mate was able to seep through his shields. He had to understand something, to rationalize something first before he jumped in. But ecstatic feelings are ahead of him. His mind and body were starting to betray him, and it did not make him feel good.

He could not contend that from the moment he laid her eyes on her, he wanted to hold her, to touch her, wrap her in his arms to feel her warmth. He thought it was his primal changeling nature speaking; the need for physical touches. Yet, such betrayal had reached even levels where there was no involved physical intimacy.

How could joy make his insides curl just because of a stranger’s happiness? How could he be proud of a stranger’s personality and choices? How could he feel the rush to protect her? How could emotions try to cloud his thoughts when he’s with her? How could he feel this way towards her?

This would be bad if this continues. Yes. That was a bigger problem. She’s been in his life for a few days but he’s already acting like this. DAMN.

After washing the dishes and composing himself, he went back in the room. He was anxious on how they would be interacting after his exit a while ago. His anxiety faded when he saw Megan standing beside the window; smiling at whatever she’s looking outside. Sensing his presence, she turned towards him. She smiled at him. His heart jumped again. He was just talking to himself a while ago about controlling these unknown emotions. Now, here’s a slap deriding his effort. Still, he tried to appear as if nothing happened to him.

“Jackson. Look.” He looked at her smile. So full of life, of happiness.

He approached her. He was behind her when she was looking at her two siblings. Lani and Caesar seemed so happy playing with Roman and Julian, Tammy’s kids. They kept on running and running. Happiness was evident on their faces, so as the face of their sister who’s happily watching them from afar.

He could not help himself but wrap her delicate warrior body frame in his arms. It was a changeling instinct. It should damn well be. His left arm was wrapping her shoulders while his right on her waist. He felt her tremble a bit, but relaxed afterwards. He exhaled. He tightened his hold and placed his chin on her shoulder. He sneakily savoured her scent while she was busy giggling at the happiness of her siblings.

After the incident with her family, it was the first time for someone to wrap her in someone’s arms again. She knew it might be misunderstood. But her body craved for warmth. She had felt alone the few days. Although there were people around her, she was recovering all by herself. It was as if it implied that she, and only she, would have to carry every little burden on her back.

She wanted someone else’s warmth, and she could not deny that she was grateful for having Jackson. At least in the arms of a friend, she’s now assuming that he’s her friend, she felt safe around him. In his warmth, she knew that in the cold nights of losing not only her pride family but her entire pack, somebody’s there who’d be making her warm; that there would be someone, a friend in the presence of the sentinel hugging her, who would at least be there.

“Casual about intimacy eh?” Her joke was taken the wrong way. He stopped hugging her after hearing her statement. A fist of cold punched Megan’s heart. Yes. Even the security, the assurance and the warmth of this friend could stop. It would stop someday; the time that they would have to leave them if their security might be in peril because of them. And that someday she would lose his warmth.

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