Chapter Three

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Thor's Pov
Peter was very cute. Oh, wait! I almost forgot! LOKI! I left him with Strange (Dr.Stephen Strange). He better not cause anymore damage to things. "I must go now." I said. "Where you going?" Tony asked. "Can't you stay a little longer, uncle Thor?" Peter asked, he looked kind of sad. "I'm sorry Peter, guys, I must go to Strange's place to pick up Loki, before he destroys anything. But I assure you, I shall be back again, mortals."

Tony's Pov
With that, Thor swung his hammer, and flew to the sky, leaving a giant round circle in the grass. "Whoaaaaa!" Peter exclaimed, amazed. "Is he a god?" "Yes." Steve answered. "Wait, does everyone here have powers?" Peter looked around. "Not everyone." I said. "Thor's the god of lighting, Clint is very good at using a bow and arrow, Bruce can turn into a giant green guy called The Hulk when he's angry, Natasha is good at fighting, your dad has been frozen for 70 years, plus he's strong, and has a magic shield, I'll tell you about the others later." I reply, all out of breath. "Wait, what are your powers?" Peter asked looking at me. "Me? Well I'm really smart and fucking rich." "Tony! LANGUAGE!!!!" Steve hollered at me. "Shit, sorry Pete." "LANGUAGE AGAIN!!!!!!" Steve screamed at me again. "Sorry, sorry. Don't remember all those words k?" I told Peter. "Uh...ok" He answered, kind of confused. Damn I really gotta be careful with my words-Not! "Wait, wait. Peter you have spider powers right?" I asked him. "Yup! I can climb walls, shoot webs, and I have spider sense."

No Pov
Steve and Tony walked Peter to their car, and drove home, to the Stark mansion. "Whoaaaaa you guys live in a mansion?" Peter was amazed by everything he saw. "I feel like I'm the luckiest boy ever!" Steve and Tony smiled. "It's getting late,go take a shower and get to bed. We'll wake you up in the morning." Steve said. "Okay,goodnight guys." Peter said to his two new dads. "Night Pete" They said as they gave him a goodnight kiss,and left the room." As they walked out,Tony said to Steve, "We're gonna be great parents. We're gonna make him the best little superhero ever. Btw his powers are kinda cool,but I guess he'll need some mentoring. Maybe also an upgrade!Let's g-" Tony was stopped by being kissed on the lips. "Stop talking lets go to our room." Steve whispered. When they entered their room,they immediately jumped on bed and pulled the covers over their bodies."Let's get some sleep honey," mumbled Steve from under the covers,but when he looked at Tony,he was already asleep. Steve smiled, and kissed Tony on his cheek. He soon drifted off to sleep, after taking another glimpse at his beloved Tony.

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