Chapter Twenty Eight

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I walked back home, and on the way, I met my parents at the ice cream shop. They bought me ice cream, and we all walked home together, and parted ways when we got there. Dad went to the kitchen, pops to the garage, and I went into my room.

Everything was perfect...NOT.

"Peter!!" I heard someone call. I screamed from inside my room, "Yes!!!??? I'm in my room!!!" A few minutes later pops entered my room. "Pete, you have school tomorrow. Go pack your bags." He told me. "I have school? But.. I'm fifteen!!" I exclaimed. "That's called highschool. Dad's making dinner. Pack your bags, and come downstairs." He said, as he left my room.

Oh well.... so much for a vacation.

I packed my schoolbag with books, and my pencil case. Then, I walked downstairs, and saw my parents making out again. "Eww guys!!! Don't-" "Peter!!! Next time, tell us if you're coming." "But pops said to come down, so I did... anyways... where's dinner?" I asked, as I tried to change the subject. Dad pointed to a few plates with spagetti, salad, and chocolate chip cookies.

We all had dinner, and my parents said they're going to bed. "We're really tired today. If you don't see us in the morning, probably means we're still in bed. There's some leftover eggs for you in the fridge. Goodnight." Said my pops. "Night guys." I said, as they walked upstairs.

After about 15 minutes of watching TV, I decided to head upstairs. I went inside my room, closed the door, and jumped onto my bed. "Tomorrow's gonna be great." I tried to convince myself, as I pulled up the bed sheets. "Lights off." I commanded. The lights turned off, and I closed my eyes.

Next morning...

I opened my eyes with a yawn. Then, I turned to look at my alarm clock. "Mmm... I got thirty more minutes till school starts..." I mumbled to myself. "Wait..... I HAVE THIRTY MORE MINUTES TILL SCHOOL STARTS!!!!!" I exclaimed. I got my clothes, and ran into the bathroom. It took me five minutes to change, take a shower, and brush my teeth. After that, I ran downstairs, and got the scrambled eggs out of the fridge. I put them into the microwave, and waited. After a few minutes, I heard small "click!", so I opened the microwave, and pulled the plate out. I set it on the table, and ate furiously. It took me approximately ten minutes. I looked at my watch. "I have fifteen more minutes. Better race to school!" I said to myself. There were many options- Bike, run, motorcycle, car. "Might be traffic, bike racks could be full, um... I could walk." I mumbled, as I put on my shoes, and raced off. "It's not so far, right?" I tried to convince myself. I was surprised I remembered where school was. I ran down the streets, and in ten minutes, I finally got there. I ran pass the school gates, up the stairs, and entered school. I ran to my locker, put my stuff in, and walked to the garden. I sat on a bench while gasping for breath. "I have... have... five minutes to spare.."I whispered to myself. "Oh... oh my gosh, I made it... jeez this is so tiring."

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Who could it be?" I thought as I turned around. "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!"

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