Shot 1: Nice to meet you.

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At the age of 4, I was force to know the harsh truth. How? Well, let just say that I was sold here in this hell hole by my very own parent, my father.

That son of a B!tch Fcking sold me here, He already kill me by doing it.

Currently, I'm being lock up in this special made jailroom for the like of us experimental subjects. describing the room well... it was all white with bloods spluttered all over the wall and concreted floors, furthermore all this bloods are mine.

Because it become normal for me to be always heavily injured and bloodied badly in each experiment they performed to me.

In daze staring as the blood drop I can't help but recall what happened.

"Neh! Papa where are we going?" I ask my father who's holding hands with me while I jump up and down, the said man look down, his face is blurry in my vision.

"It's a secret" he whisper loud and enough that l'll hear it.
I smile and nodded my head. Looking forward to what place where going..

I was a fool back, being way too naive.

So stupid, I laugh bitterly and walk over toward my bed and lay down, my injure hands and neck was bleeding out, but soon the bleeding will stop and as always I'll be sleeping in my blood again. I'm about to close my eyes when suddenly there's was a click of sound  opening the door, My door to be exact and revealed a man with a scientist clothing eating a lollipop in his mouth, he has a silver short hair that was in mess and eye's droppy with black bag underneath, The gaze he has was full of obsession and malice.

"Hello #27 name Orange! are you ready for the next experiment? " he grin widely, and creepily.

I force myself in a seating position,  groaning as I seat because I'm still heavily wouded. I look to him with my dull looking eye's with no emotions at all. Even if I say no, do I look like I have a choice?

He whistle and two more mens appear and walk toward me as they ushered me.

" papa?" I look up to man and saw him having a phone call.

"Papa where are we?" I ask because we walk into a dark alleyway and saw many people thar are scary looking while others are begging wearing tattered clothes with dead looking eye's, I was scare and clutch my father suit.

"We're going to paradise, isn't that great?" He said to me, I nodded trusting his words.

I was now in front of a big metallic door, the scientists man open it and inside we walk in, the smell of dry bloods linger in the air. This is my experimented room, where they performed experiment to me... I was no longer a human as they never treat me one here... Im just a test subject, a rat.. they need to achieve their goal.

The man walk toward me till his close to my back, then the second thing I know something unknown was injected to me and my consciousness slowly leave me.

We waited at a broken door to a man that papa said, he said it was his friend. Then the man kick the broken door and gaze to us, to me.

"Papa, im scared!" I said and hide behind him not looking at the man, not making an eye contact.

"Don't worry this man will take care of you from now on!" He Energetically said that make me disbelieve.

"Where's the money?" Papa ask to the man. the man throwed a bag to papa and papa turn around checking it inside. The man gaze never left me.
After that papa grin madly and pick me up.

"Papa?" I confusedly ask.but the didn't answer me.

"Is this the boy?" Ask the man, and papa nodded. Then I was throwed Harshly to the man.

I woke up only to find myself laying in the experimented table, tied down.

"Now now, let's start shall we?"

And he leisurely walk near me injecting something again to my bleeding neck earlier.

My veins suddenly irk and bloods boiling inside me and my body warm up to the point it pain me.

it hurt!!! It hurt!!!! it hurt!!! it hurt!!!!

I keep repeating to my mind like a broking mantra.

"ARRGHHHHHHH!!!" I scream in pain.

"Now wake up, little lamp" the voice stern me up to my slumber and opening my eyes that man from earlier grin wickedly toward me. I try moving my body only to feel being tied down. I panic and my heart start to beat badly, I was scare.

"Where's papa!!?" I shouted in anxiousness and panic.

"Oh? You're father? that man was actually your Father? Ha! what a guy! He already left after he got the money solding you to us." Answer the man not looking at me as he was in the table full of chemical equipment.

"You're lying!!! Papa !! Papa!!! Help me!! Papa" I scream in desperation.
But my hope shattered after the man inject something to my hands and I scream in pain and agony.

"Welcome to the Estraneo, boy."

I panted hard after the screaming my eyelids become heavy and I can barely stay conscious. Next was My eye sight become more blurry and the ringing inside my ears hurts too, I can feel hot liquid from my eye's but my vision was blurry this my blood? Am I crying blood? ha...Im actually crying blood.

I don't care anymore. ..

"That's a good result but I still need to add something maybe two or more in this, tch failed again. So how are you feeling? "

"" I barely said

"Oh that's good to heard! It just mean you can still be in use! " Was the only thing I heard and everything black out, the darkness consume me.

The world is cruel, fate is a bitch and luck is shit.

This is my life, a life of a living hell, living in this fucking hellhole for 3 year's, I was sold here by my father at the age of 4 and the name TSUNAYOSHI.

Nice to meet you.

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