Shot 26: The Rain Is Falling. (4)

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"So this is your Brother G? God you both really do look alike! if not for the pink hair you got!" I Said and tease for how similar they look like! G and Hayato frown and was annoyed, specially G who roar back at me.

"Tsk!" Hayato Humph.

"IT'S RED! NOT PINK!" G shouted clearly he disagreed.

"Whatever you say" I shrugged

"mah mah let's end this and go back to get our bags okay? Let all go home"
Asari said brushing off the dust all over him.

"You need more torture--training Baka-Gio" Reborn said sharping Leo who turn into a sword. He was seating in the top of Hayato head.

"......." Nope, I know didn't misheard that You definitely said torture right!?

"Well any objection?" Reborn Lazily back and Leo turn into Gun the next instants.


No, None at all you Satan.

Damn, Even if I really do Your clearly threatening me with that Gun.

if your asking what happened...


A while ago after G's got over and argued with Hayato, Reborn as always Pop into nowhere in kick me...(Where the hell did he come from!?) He pretended to be one of the elite teacher here Rebornyama-sama ( and How the hell do they easily believe a baby?!) and Sensei let us go...

We five then Head over at the back of the school, Arriving there I began to asked Reborn what's going on. to which he spoke.

"If Gokudera here kill you his going to become the Vongola Decimo is what I offer" After that Reborn Smirk his face was so smug.

"Oh is this about the Mafia thing again? hahah" Asari laughed and was trying to make fun of it again. Tho He already know this is serious he just want to make things easy-going.

"What! Your hiring someone to kill me?!"

I cried out in shock! the hell is this! His here to assassinate me?! With that I took a quick look at Hayato-kun and still continue to argue but G lil brother Hayato interrupted

"Reborn-san, I don't want to be the Vongola anymore..."

That's when four pair of eyes stare at him. Not expecting him to say that, special Reborn.

Hayato eye's were firm and serious Reborn suddenly stop stare at him amused while G was really Stun.

"Why? Don't you want to be a Vongola? the number 1 Famiglia" Reborn tempted tapping his fedora but nonetheless Hayato-kun eyes at this time was glowing with determination and solemnly said.

"I found someone I'm willing to serve my whole life, I wanted to be someone he need" Hayato respond back and look up to G, his look saying I now know what you feel like back then' and waited for Reborn to respond back

It look like things are getting interesting....Reborn bemused it's only been 3 days since I last talk to him and he look different now...just what had he encounter? who's guy is Hayato serve willingly? Reborn seem to be curious but it was hard to see when his keeping that poker face.

this is getting out of nowhere! I don't want to be invole I rather go back ! is what I thought so I interrupted Reborn thinking.

"Hey! Reborn since he don't want to be the 10th then I'm going back!" I turn and supposed to go back however before I could've take another step something passed by my face and ..


a bullet embedded to the wall.

"......." I got goosebumps.

sht that one was a real gun, A FREAKIN REAL BULLET!!!

"WTF! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! " I yelled and pointed at Reborn Angrily! G who look surprise at Reborn and Asari just stood there blankly waiting next for something to happen.

"No, Gokudera going to murder-- battle with you since his here"

"......."Murder' G and Asari sweated.

"what do you mean Murder?! and Why?! He doesn't want the 10th! whats the point of this?!"

"Because I said so." Reborn finalize And point a gun in my forehead and eyes saying Say one more thing and Im going to blast your mind off, try me.



"Language Baka-Gio"


after that we battled and I've won due to the bullet of hyper dying will' Reborn shot me again. the will of saving Hayato who stumble and G who tried to save him but ended up stumbling too.

"......." when will this nightmare end. QAQ


so back to present time, I won and about to go back to our classroom to get our bags.

"Btw aren't you going to get your bag too Hayato-kun?" I ask glancing at him.

"I didn't bring any" was his answer.

"Now I remember, There's going to be a new transfer student in the first year, You seem one of them" Asari assert and confirm this by looking at Hayato who nod.

"Tsk stupid brat why are you making such a fuss in your first day!" G said snap back and grabbing a hold into Hayato

"Shut up pinky!" Hayato frown uncomfortably and pull out a bunch of bombs from-who-knows-where.

"This is not pink! it's red! ya damn brat! Why won't you listen just for once!" Back G up and glare back at Hayato and was about to beat him.

"Hahahah you too get along pretty well" Asari insert and smiled looking at them tho he from the look of it he look jealous.

"WE DO NOT GET ALONG!" G and Hayato said in unison while grabing they both grab each other collar.

"pfffft" they look like twin I thought inwardly.

and it was at that moment when Reborn who's silent Said something unusual.

".....This is Bad " He said looking up the dark sky, it look like it's going to rain.

That's when I notice...

"Reborn ...your Pacifier it's glowing" I said, it was glowing an yellow hue, I was about to take a closer look when suddenly an anxious scream rang out and alarm us all.



Yamamoto? Asari's here which mean Takeshi....

it was also that moment I saw Asari face who's always full of smile paled in an instant and look horror...


without delay he Run leaving us behind.

"Quick let's go Giotto!" G said and soon follow behind him was Hayato who also with him.

"Okay! " with that I also Run after them but then Reborn who's in the top of Hayato head jump off stand at the window. I stop.

"where ate you going?" I asked.

"I have something to deal with." And Reborn Jump toward the tree outside and gone.

Giotto frowned suspiciously but let go.

never mind that ! I have to get there as soon as possible! I hope nothing bad going to happen.



Dang, I hope Laziness won't bother me again lol

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