Shot 20: Little Brother's

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We run fast as we could to the school gate only few seconds left before it bell.


"We're not gonna make it!"

"Crap! Demon Lord is already standing there! "

Said G while running, There stood a person who has platinum hair color along with his narrowed dark blue eye's piercing a glare at the students especially us, he was wearing the Senior high school of Namimori uniform with a stoic face he hold his cuff at the front of the school gate.

This guy name is Hibari Aluade.

He ruled all over the school, he was like an emperor and (his subjects) everyone is afraid of him and fear to offend him not wanting to be cuff off to jail.

Hibari Aluade is President of the students council while his little brother not far away from him whos black hair and dark shade of gray eye's with a stoic face wearing his school uniform and black coat hanging was the president of the disciplinary committee, this little guy name is Hibari Kyoya.

If said that Aluade is the Emperor of the school then his little brother hibari kyoya is the prince.

Both of them is so ruthless and brutal, a no-nonsense man, as long as they deem it wrong they'll bite you to death. What's more this pair have the same obsession when it comes to Namimori School rules.

"Ahhh!!! We're late! We're gonna be bitten to death!!"

"No! there's still 5 second!"


Then the three Both jump forward!

"1.....!!!!" We shouted in unison.


"We made it!!...!! W-what!---" losing our balance we stumbled



"Damn heavy...get up you Flute idiot! "

"Hehaaha sorry"

Our bodies crash in collision to each other and it hurt my head. Asari started to stand up and help G up.

"Finally we made it on time!" I can't help but happily exclaim. And before G and Asari can join my joy we heard a cold voice in our back and we stiffed.

"Insects, I'll give you all 3 second before you get out of my sight or else I'll cuff you to death" Said Aluade glaring dagger into our back.

"H-hai...!!" I stutter in response

"Why you..!" I quickly pull G arm before he can get into another fight to Aluade I run inside the school and Asari following us.

"Dammit Giotto! let me go! Let go! I'm going to teach that war freak Demon Lord some lesson! "

"Forget about it G, let's just go we still have class" I try to reason out and Asari too but a different way.

"Giotto is right beside it's unlikely you'll win " Asari said and smile.

"What?! You sh*tty flute freak! Who's side are you on ha?!!" G explode Angrily.

"Ai just let go stop that ..!" I try to Pacify G and soon after he just click his tongue.


We then get finally arrived at our classroom and slide open the door and walk in our respective chairs.

I seat last near the window and G is in front of me while Asari was seating in my right side.

"Hey, did you hear the rumours?" One of my classmate talk excitingly his names was Michiya Satao one of those people who enjoy listening to others gossip.

"Hm? What rumour? " his friend Akane Akio ask while reading manga.

"It's about the first years students"

"Don't tell me you're hitting someone there? Just letting you know, Man that's illegal"

He peek and continue his focus in his Manga turning to another page.

"Oh shut up!! And listen! I heard this from someone I know there they say that they are having new transfer students"

"just transfer students why are you making fuss about it? " he replied back in disdain, Michiya ignore him and continue.

"You don't understand! Someone took a peek at one of those transfer profile it said they are both foreigners but he soon found out that one of them was a filthy Rich young master!! " he enthusiastically said and grip his bag.

" so what about it?" Akane un interestingly said, what's wrong being rich? Beside even if it's true what's it gonna do to them? It's not like they be given money if they see him.

"Sometime I ask myself why I am friend with someone like you"

Michiya finally say and sneer at his friend lack of interest, this guy is always so plain, gloomy and hard to talk to, that's why here he was trying to start a conversation but he always won't pay attention tsk.

"What a coincidence I also has the same thoughts as you" he smiled sarcastically at him.

"....." Michiya expression was akin to wanting to punch his friend in the face.


Our female teacher in science walk in and the whole class quieten down, she put her books she's carrying in the table and start to speak.

"okay class, please quiet down and Let's go back to yesterday lesson get your book and turn it in page 127 about the respiratory system who can read....."

I didn't pay attention to the lesson and started to daze off in class, for some unknown reason the rumours they are talking about caught my interest, I don't know why I just can't explain it myself.

"Sigh..let's just ignore it" I murmur under my breath.

", He is easily distracted this isn't good" Someone from the tree said and took note of what im doing.

(He was Reborn who follow Giotto to school to observed him and took notes for his future torture training plan)

"So far, Everything about this Baka need a new change, what's worse was the lack of awareness, and the so called famous Vongola Hyper intuition isn't strong enough to sense me hm...he need more improvement" Reborn spoke getting Leon on his shoulder stroking it slowly.

"A new toy to play with, I won't be bored for awhile then hn, right leon?" Caressing Leon he lick his arm back as a response.

I'll be having fun torturing him.

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