Shot 16: His Dark Side (2)

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I make this chapter a long one because I won't be able to update few weeks from now on !!



A few days has past since then when I saved Mr. Hurricane bomb-san..his life is no longer in danger and he only need to rest Because he push himself too much he exceeded his limits that his body can no longer take the exhaustion, till now he hasn't wake up...but that's okay  I'm quite good at taking good care of him.

Anyway in this past several days I been checking this modern style japanese like house that Im going to stay for 2 years and I must say this house is big, there total of 4 rooms, 1 room upstairs the master bedroom where Mr. Hurricane bomb-san is resting --(that's my room)--, next to it was 1 vacant room then down stair has the last 2 rooms, 1 was also vacant and 1 will be the guests room, the house has already few furniture but not much and that's good to enough for me.

The boxes that full of money was put hidden in the vacant room next mine and I also stock up the refrigerator some foods, after that I started to cleaning and organise the house all according to my liking while doing so, I also look for the gift that Small gia said 'surprise' that he give me but  needed to find, just where did Small Gia hide it?

Well, In any case I practice self introduction that I will be needing when Mr. Hurricane bomb-san wake up, as Grumpy jack said ' its good to have a good impression on your first meeting ' 
Therefore I'm trying to be presentable so once he woke up I can finally again be able to Communicate to another alive human being...hehehe of course excluding those who I asked questions for when im here and those criminals ( mafia) who I captured during  my missions and also excluding the vindice's because you know..they're undead.

This is also very good practice for myself to communicating right? So in the future I can make many friends while im here beside the Vindice's were the one's to want me to make friends, and I just hope I can.

As Im looking at the some paper in the boxes I also took my profile in there, oh yeah I almost forgot Im already enrolled in school here I'll be attending as a tranfer student in the school named Namimori School.

Name: Von Veckenschtein Tsunayoshi
Age: 14
Birthday: October 14 ****(The day he was free in the Estraneo)
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Mother: ___________?
Father: ___________?
Other Guardian: Mr.Ottava
Contact number:09******
Description: His a Foreigner, from Italy, the only sole heir that will inherit all his parents lands and Business, He was sickly since child and his parents passed away when he was 4 from a car accident.

°°    °°°°°°°°   °°°

I went blank face when I read my profile...all I could think was  what the fudge ??  Sole heir? ! Sickly? ! (well yeah) Mr.Ottava?! And what car accident!!? Who the hell is that?  How did they come up with this? Just who's idiot idea was this?

{"Hey! Alej-- AACHHOO!!!" Jack who was about to call Alejandro suddenly sneeze.. }

Anyway if they are the one who make this it's likely mean they are prepared right?? But still I couldn't help but think that did  Vindice's really own a lands and business from area in Italy? Before I could go farther from my thought it become more messier when I open the next box which is small. It was all photos I pick one and a picture of me as a child like 7 years old standing wearing a mini suit and a guy who's hair was gray and wearing a Butler outfit and age that look like 50+? Was standing near behind me, an elegant and very noble photo.

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