The Next Step (Harrison)

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This was requested by dolifelikeaboss. Thank you for your request. I'm sorry it's short but it was fun to write. I hope you'll enjoy it.


Today was very special for me. It's Harrison and I 1 year anniversary. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I couldn't believe it's already been a year. It probably was the happiest year I lived thanks to him. He made my life so easier and so brighter. I hope he'll like the gift I got him.

He said he'd come pick up around 7 but he didn't tell me where he was taking me. He insisted that it was surprise. I was already ready since Harrison would be here any minutes now.  And i was right because the bell rang sooner than i thought. Usually Harrison would be a little late, but today he was just in time, almost early. I  went to the door and opened it, finding him standing  there in a tux. He was handsome. Well he always is handsome, but the tux makes him look even more beautiful and i didn't think it was even possible.

"You're stunning." He said when my E/C eyes met his blue ones. Even after a year of dating his compliments made me blush. I looked down at myself instictively. I was wearing a simple F/C dress and heels.

"You're not to bad yourslef." I retorted and he smiled at me.

"So are you ready for your surprise?" He asked and i nodded. Before following him outside i grabbed my purse and the gift i got him and then we left my flat. We walked for at least fifteen minutes in the busy street until we reached a beautiful park. The air was damp and fresher than earlier, the sky getting darker, announcing the rain. I hope it wouldn't ruin his plan. He led me further inside the park until we reached a little area with a table in the middle of grass. He had organized a fancy dinner just for the both of us in the middle of the park. There was a beautiful table, with candles, red wine, and rose petals all around the table. 

"Happy Anniversary!" He exclaimed opening his arms wide towards the scene in front of us.

" You did all this for me?" I asked turning to him a huge smile plastered on my face. It was so beautiful, so romantic, almost a little cliché, but i didn't mind. No one ever did this for me before. I really feel special when i'm with him. 

"Yeah do you like it ?" He was still unsure even though I had a smile that couldn't get even bigger

"Yes. That's beautiful. It's perfect i can't believe you did all this for me." I kissed him and i felt him let out a little sigh of relief during the kiss. We pulled away and he took my hand, leading me to the table. We sat down and before we start eating i decided to give him his gift. He grabbed the wrapped box, and tore the paper way, revealing a watch box. He looked at me with wide eyes, not believing what he had between his hands.

"You didn't ?" He asked as he slowly opened the box. His mouth dropped to the floor when he saw the luxurious watch that was inside. He looked back up at me.

"It's the one you wanted, the one you talked me about, isn't it ?" He simply nodded still shocked that i bought him this watch.

"You're crazy." He said, standing up coming to my side of the little table to kiss me. "I love you." he whispered against my lips.

"I love you too, that's why i bought the watch." I told him when he pulled away and it made him chuckle. 

"Well since we're doing the gifts right now..." He took a wrapped box out of his dress pants pocket and handed it to me . I hesistated before taking it, looking him in the eyes. I told him not to get me anything but he did. He had a genuine smile on his face and i took the gift. I opened the box, revealing a beautiful necklace with a light F/C shiny stone as a pendant. 

"It's beautiful. You're completely crazy, i can't believe you bought me something , i told you not to."

"Like i was gonna listen to you. You deserve the best." His comment made me blush, but i hide it, looking down at the necklace, taking it out of its box. "Here let me do it." He said taking the jewel and putting it around my neck. I grabed my hair so they wouldn't be stuck in the necklace, Harrison's hands grazing my skin and giving me goosebumps when he attached the chain around my neck. I let go of my hair before standing up. I kissed him passionately to thank him for everything he did for me. And not only what he did today, but what he did for the past year. Eventually we pulles away and sat back down ready to eat dinner.

The dinner was great, the evening was probably one of the best i've ever had. The air wascolder now and Harrison didn't hesitate to give me his jacket. It was now time for dessert, but i saw Harrison had something to say before bringing the last part of our dinner.

"Y/N There was something i wanted to ask you for a while now ?" I grew nervous as to why he could ask even if i had a little idea. And to be honest i had prepared myself for that, knowing that he had waited for long enough. I nodded telling him to keep going but before another word could leave his lips it's started to rain. Harrison looked at me, as the plate in front of us were filling up with water. In one glance we knew what the other was thinking and we stood up, throwing everything away and we started to run toward my appartment. When we finally reache the building we were soake, water dripping from our hair and rolling down our faces. We laughed like crazy until we reached my door. I took the key out of my purse but decided to wait before opening. I turned to look at him.

"What were you going to ask me before it started to rain ?" 

"Well since we didn't got the chance to have dessert, i wanted to know if you'd like to take dessert in the bed ?" He asked with a smirk. Even though i knew where he was going, i raised an eyebrow at his lame pick up line. He cleared his throat and realized how bad it was. He decided to try again with his own words this time "I just wanted to know if maybe you'd be ready to, you know, take the next step and finally have sex." I smiled at him, happy that he asks instead of just jumping on me to get what he wants. He was sweet enough to wait a whole year, making sure i'm ready before we do anything.

"That's very sweet for you to ask, and yes i'm ready. I think you have waited long enough." His smiled grew wider and his blue eyes shone with happiness. I pecked him on the lips before opening my door and getting inside. I didn't hear him follow so i turned around only to find him do a little victory dance, screaming 'yes' to himself.

"I can see you!" I shouted and he immediately stopped. His cheeks reddened and i chuckled. " I love my blue eyed devil." I muttered to myself before heading for the bathroom to get rid of my wet clothes.

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