Grammys 2.0

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Here we are again. Standing on the red carpet watching all the people and just being overwhelmed. Two weeks after the disaster. Two weeks after Dan got shot. Two exhausting weeks. But the building is whole again. People have been working day and night to repair everything. Just for us. To take a stand against all the terror going on in the world.

We've been in contact with many people for the past days. Now we are here. I can feel that everyone is a bit fraught going in there again. Me too. But I'm mostly happy. Happy that nearly everyone decided to come again. The whole world looks down at us.

Ben and Platz are already talking with the fans and taking selfies. Dan stands by my side and we need a moment to let everything sink in. We decided that Dan shouldn't go anywhere alone. He's been more active for the past few days but he still has sudden feelings of faintness from time to time.

Now he is standing here. His right arm resting on my shoulders, but he isn't leaning on me. I take a glance at him, he nods and we walk towards the fans. He told me that he was a bit anxious but glad to go back to this place that fast.

Today there're no interviews out here. The organizers decided to interview everyone who wins an award. They wanted to change it because the last Grammys were two weeks ago. Most of the interesting questions have been asked last week. Therefore we are in the building pretty fast.

On our way, many people greet us and ask Dan how he is. As a result, we reach our table as one of the last ones. We're sitting at the same table and with the same people as last time. Shortly after we sat down the lights get dimmed.

After a few acts and Grammys, the mood is already as good as it was last time. I think the new structure isn't bad, the interviews are short and interesting. Then Kevin Hart and Misha Collins enter the stage again. I immediately know what they're announcing. I also know that we'll win the Grammy this time.

I focus on the stage again. "So here are the nominees for Best Duo/Group of the year: Coldplay, The Chainsmokers, Imagine Dragons and Maroon Five," Misha announces. I take a glance at the others. They seem excited too. I would say after what happened last time...we are the band that deserves it the most. That may sound cocky, but well what should I say?!

"And the Grammy goes to..," Misha starts and Kevin continues: "Imagine Dragons."

I smile. I knew that we would win it. I mean, I've heard it last time. But the feeling to hear your name, well more or less, it's just indescribable. We stand up. The hall is filled with applause. Taylor congratulates us.

All four of us are smiling. Even though we knew it, we still can't believe that we could win a Grammy. Ben and Platz are already on their way to the stage. Dan is waiting for me. He grins from ear to ear. I can't hold it back and hug him. He laughs and places his hand on my shoulder again. Then we walk on the stage. His hand on my shoulder mine going around his waist.

Once we reach the stage we move apart. Kevin and Misha congratulate us too. Ben and Platz already took the award and the microphone. Platz holds the mic to Dan and he takes it. He is our lead singer. Speeches are his job. After Dan thanked everyone for supporting us James Cordon interviews us.

"First question. And I'm sure you've been asked this a lot of times now. But for everyone, how are you, Dan?" He grins.

"It's true. We've heard this question a million times now. "I'm good. It was hard at first but it got better the past few days and now I'm feeling on top of the world." I laugh. Ben and Platz laugh too.

"To you guys," James continues. "How was the past week?" Ben takes the mic and answers: "Well the first days in the hospital were quite okay. When Dan got home again everything went downhill. Platz and I maybe did some stupid things." After he said that Platz boxes his arm playfully. "Oh sorry. I wasn't supposed to say that." Ben jokes then continues. "But the past days were pretty good."

"Now you made me curious. What did you do?" Ben hands Platz the mic. He sighs. "Well you know that's a long story..."

"I want to hear it. What about you?" James asks the audience. Lots of shouts and applause. James looks at Platz. "Well...the first three days after Dan got out of hospital he got about.." Platz thinks for a second. "..five hours of sleep. So Ben and I mixed some sleeping pills in his food. He even slept for two hours. But when he woke up he wasn't able to move because of pain. The sleeping pills somehow influenced the painkillers and yeah. I guess you know what I mean."

"Back to you again Dan. Being shot alone hurts enough. But you had something different to fight with too. Could you explain that to the audience." "Yeah sure. I've been diagnosed with a disease called ankylosing spondylitis, short AS. It's a hidden disease. Not many people know about it. It's an autoimmune disease but there is a lot of inflammation in your body. So it's basically your body attacking your joints. And if it stays untreated long enough your spine can fuse and end up being a pole."

I can hear some shocked sounds coming from the audience. "Is it painful?" "Yeah, it's very painful. To be honest, the injury wasn't even that bad, my back was much worse. And the dilemma of the whole story... When you are shot you are not allowed to move. And when you have AS, the only way to reduce the pain is to exercise. So yeah, there were some really tough days."

"Well, I wish you guys the best. Thanks for talking and being so honest. Do you have some last words for us?"

I take the mic. "We want to thank everyone again. Thanks for your support especially during the last few days. And we want to send a message. No matter what's happening in your life right now, don't take it from us. We know how bad life can be. Especially Dan went through a lot during his life. But he never stopped fighting and look where he is now. You can do whatever you want. Nothing can ever hold you back! Just remember that your life is always worth living! We love all of you. Have a good night."


That's it now. I just finished my first story. Check out my profile, I'm already writing on a new one. Thank you for reading. Thank you for voting. And thank you for sticking with me until the very end. I hope you enjoyed it.

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