Family and Fans

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I'm glad that Dan is alright. I won't tell the others but there were moments, where I just didn't think that he would survive. But seeing him here, still tired but already smiling and joking with us, I don't know that just makes me happy.

We continue to joke around when suddenly my phone rings. It's Jessica an old friend of mine. I excuse myself and step out at the corridor to talk with her. "Hey, Jessica. What's up?" "Hey, Ben. I just heard about this whole Grammy thing on the radio and I wanted to ask you if you are alright?" I smile. "Yeah, I'm okay thanks."

"Good. Also your bandmate Dan, how is he?" "Exhausted but ok too. He will survive. But how do you know that it was him who got injured?" "Didn't you check on social media or the news?" "No. We've been worrying about Dan. To be honest I forgot about that." "I understand that. But you should check your Twitter account or turn on the TV. You can read or hear about it everywhere." "Ok, I'll do that." "Good. Have a nice day Ben. And we have to meet again!" I smirk: "Yeah we do. Bye."

As I get back into the room the others stare at me. "Who was that?" Platz asks. "Just an old friend of mine. She told me that we should watch the news." I answer and take the remote of the TV hanging on the wall in front of Dan's bed.

As soon as I turned it on I understand what Jessica meant. "A terror attack at the Grammys shocked the whole world." The news lady says." A few hours after the Grammys started, armed men stormed in and took the people as hostages. They were controlling the show for about eight hours until the police were able to enter the building and release everyone."  Platz wants to say something but I shut him off. "I want to hear this!"

"Through witness statements, we know that there is only one injured person out of the audience, the singer of the band Imagine Dragons. However, his injuries seem to be really serious as he got rushed to the hospital immediately. We don't have any news about his health condition. No member of the band has posted anything on social media. Which causes people around the world to think about the worst case scenario. Within hours the Twitter hashtag #prayfordragons got shared a few million times. Some fans even wait in front of the hospital to get to know if he is alright, as fast as possible. We will inform you about every news we get. Stay tuned."

I turn off the TV again. "Well," I start but Wayne interrupts me. "We totally forgot about that. Who knows how many people are worried because we didn't check our phones." "Yeah. I would say we should tell them that everything is okay." Dan endorses. "Video or photo?" I ask. Wayne answers within seconds: "Photo. Dan is still a bit influenced by the meds. I think a photo would be better. In a video, they'll probably expect him to talk and if he doesn't do that, maybe they get worried even more." I nod.

We gather around Dan. Wayne and I on his left side, Platz with the phone on his right. Dan gives a thumbs up to show that he is alright. "Ok, what should we write?" Platz asks.

"You could start with: Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting but..." I start but I don't know how to continue. So Wayne says: "But we were worried about Dan too. Now we know that he is alright and we wanted to thank you."

I begin to speak again: "We are really overwhelmed by your actions and we can't explain how thankful we are to have such carrying people around us." "We really appreciate it. Sending lots of love. Your Dragons." Platz ends it, then he reads it out again. "I think we can leave it like that." We all agree on that and Platz tweets it.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask. "Maybe you should talk to your families. I'm pretty sure they want to know how you are." Dan suggests. All three of us take our phones out immediately, which causes Dan to laugh. "And I thought my ADD would let me forget everything."

"Is it okay if we leave you alone for a few minutes?" Wayne asks. "I'm no baby, I will survive without having you by my side for five minutes. Go and phone your family." Dan answers with a grin. So we all take our phones and go out at the corridor, which is pretty empty.

I stay at the door while Wayne and Platz each take one side and walk down a few meters. I call my mom and tell her that she should phone everyone and tell them that I am alright.  I don't want to leave Dan alone that long. I don't know why. But she understands it and I walk back into the room just a few minutes after leaving it.

Dan looks up. "I didn't think you would be back that fast." "Well I didn't get shot so I let my mom call everyone so I can stay with you." "You don't have to do that!" "No I don't, but I want to." I glance at him with a warm look.

"How are you?" I ask. "I'm okay, tired but okay. I already told you." "You know that that's not what I meant." He sighs. "You're talking about my parents right?!" I simply nod, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, I don't know what to think. She told me that she didn't mean it, but why did she write it then?" "You know sometimes you say things that you don't even mean. It just happens in the heat of the moment." Dan closes his eyes and nods. Then the door swings open and Platz enters the room. Dan immediately chances the theme. "Everyone informed?" Platz seems to know that we've been talking about something different but he doesn't request it. "Yeah," he answers and sits down, to me he looks a bit sad.

As Wayne enters the room I stand up and say: "Platz would you come out with me for a second? I want to talk to you." The others seem a little confused but Platz nods and we leave the room again and just walk around the hospital.

"You seem sad. What's wrong?" I start. "Nothing. It's just, sometimes I think that Dan doesn't trust me. Don't you think that I know that you two talked about something different when I came back?" "You know that he trusts you. It's just that there are things that he rather talks about with me or Wayne, but there are other things where he rather talks to you." "Yeah, you're right," Platz answers but he doesn't believe me. I know that.

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