The Alley Way isnt the only way Pt 2

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Oh but that's not really the end! 

The car DIDNT slam in to her. Hows? She will never know. One of her ex best friends mums who lived in one of the houses lining that road rushed to her door after seeing he accident and shouted across 'Jaqs!'

'Jaqs are you okai?'

Jaqs realised she was laying crumpled on the grass verge on the other side of the road. On the pavement she was trying to get to originally before the car had whisked her off of her feet.

More than any man/bloke has ever done for me, grumbled Jaqs in her head and smirked at her shitty pun.

Gingerly moving, she tested her arms and legs and she was fine. No pain, she could move normally, not cuts or scrapes, no bruises. How on earth she survived that without at least a hairline fracture to the wrist or some equally common ailment, she would never know.

Thanking her ex best friends mum for her concern, she got up and carried on plodding home. Happy in the knowledge she was alive and safe but ever so slightly bemused at the whole situation. Guardian Angel looking out for you obviously, her Mum would later say to her.

Later that day her phone began to ping and she reluctantly looked up from where she lay on the sofa lazily recuperating from the high traumatic day that was going to school. Oh and the getting hit by a car thing. Of course.

'Urghhhh' she groaned as she leant across the sofa to reach her arm down to the floor in a desperate yet half hearted attempt to find her phone. A loud beep startled her and she started to edge down the sofa so her body was near the ground and her head was upside down and peering underneath the sofa. Until a loud BRRINGGGG BRINNNGG sounded. The tinny artificial telephone sound startled her so much that she fell head first off of the sofa and jumped in surprise as she realised the phone was under the sofa. Right where she had put her head/ear/...

'Fecks sake' she mumbled as she grabbed her phone and swiped to answer the call. 'Hello!' She half yelled briskly.

'What the fuck you yelling for biatch?' came the surprised and slightly annoyed voice of Laceey.

'Sorry' mumbled Jaqs repentantly. 'I fell off of the sofa in a desperate attempt to find my phone.'

'Why the fuck was your phone on the floor?'

'It wasn't.' Jaqs paused for dramatic and comedic effect. 'It was under the sofa.'

'Thats still the floor you fucking twat'

'Yeah yeah whatever'

'Anyway, more importantly. Madds is gunna meet us at the usual spot at 5 so can you be there in half an hour? Say for half 4?'

'Lace, its only half 3 now, that would make the time an hour until we meet.'

'What no it isn't. Its 25 past 4 you plonker'

'What?' Jaqs yelped as she withdrew the phone away from her face to check the time. Squinting at the top right hand corner, she realised and had to concur, that yes. It was the time Laceey had said it was.

'COMING' she yelled down the phone and threw her phone on to the sofa as a way of hanging up.

As she ran out of the room to her bedroom to hurriedly get dressed she heard the tinny and distant voice of Laceey asking 'Hello? Are you there?'

Sorry Lace, thought Jaqs as she sped up the stairs grinning and quickly threw on a jumper over her school shirt and shoved a pair of white jeans on with it after discarding her horribly short school trousers. Bloody ankle bashers, she though sadly, shaking her head slightly at the crumpled mess of expensive and totally not worth school trousers on the floor.

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