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'Come on Jaqs' laughed Rhys 

'Yeah get in the spirit' leered Tranny, trying to joke but seeming desperate and unattractive. 

'Come on, just drink a sip of it or at least have some Vodka and then everyone will leave you alone' sighed another anonymous face, feeling sorry for her knowing what they had done and planned to do.

'Fo fucks sake' snapped Jaqs, looking around at the expectant faces and stuck her middle finger in to the air over the fire that was sitting in the middle of them and their camp fire circle.

'I don't want ruddy Vodka, or beer or wine. Okai?!' she cried as she stumbled to her feet slipping slightly as he hand brushed the soggy leaves on the ground as she tried to propel herself upwards and away from her friends. Tripping once again over a twig as her shoes toes slipped underneath a twisted branch or twig of some kind, she heard the snorts of laughter behind her.

As her face started to redden she ran faster, her feet hitting the ground harder, until she had got to her safe spot. 

In the middle of nowhere sat a girl on a pile of leaves in an empty circle in the full woods. 

'Jaqs' called a male voice gently.

She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her head on them and tried to stay hidden. 

But alas, he found her. 

'Look Jaqs, we are sorry, we were all just a little tipsy and we are ALL sorry for pressuring you okai?'

'What the fuck do you mean you were all a little tipsy? There's no way you lot were drunk, its half eleven in the morning for goodness sake' she cried/ snapped. 

At least he had the decency to look ashamed and slight blush started over his dark skinned cheeks.  

'Here' he said pushing a water bottle full of water to her.

'What?, oh thanks' she said. 

He stood up abruptly and gently took hold of her hand and pulled her upright and smacked her arse in an attempt of excusing it as brushing leaves off of her clothes.

She started to drink the water as she unscrewed the cap, not noting that the caps seal had been broken. 

As they approached the camp site again she didn't feel so trustworthy any more after all. 

As they stared at her around the camp fire.

As Rhys led her to the circle and sat her down on his lap and a semi hard bulge pressed in to her backside 

She began to fear

The water tasted... bitter? 


The water tasted... off in her mouth. 

So she put the water bottle down.

'Aren't you going to drink that?'

'Don't you want to stay hydrated'

She blinked nervously at the boys sitting around her and picked up the bottle with a shaking hand.


She turned it upside down and watched the water pour away in to the already rain sodden/ soggy leaves. 



A ruckus ensued as she tried to grabble herself away from the three boys surrounding her and they grabbed the water bottle, desperately trying to save its contents. 

'What the FUCK have you don't to my water?' she screamed at them.

Rhys and Tranny exchanged a semi guilty look as the anonymous face stayed sitting in the background, stood and sitting, steadfast on a log. Empty Vodka bottle next to him and his hands held to the fire. 

'Well?' she demanded. 

'Jaqs....' Started Rhys 

'We're sorry'

Tranny leaned/ reached over to take her hand but she grabbed it and yanked it away from him. 

'Why does my water taste funny' she stated again rather than asking this time.

A small yet noticale warm prickle of sweat began to spike up around her body and the hair on the back of her neck seemed to feel the prickle of the miniaturised beads of sweat more than anywhere is. She knew the answer already without hearing the words. 

Even if she didn't know the answer yet. 

Even if she didn't know it, she knew it. 

She knew the answer.

She knew

Was this really a long time coming?

'We put something in it'

She stared at them threateningly until Tranny reluctantly offered forth the information she wanted and already knew. 

'We spiked it'

'WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GUYS YOU FUCKING PRICKS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??' she screeched at the top of her lungs, jerking herself backwards and away from them.

'Its nothing bad' said Rhys

'Just an aphrodisiac'

'Wouldn't have knocked you out'

'Not like we date rape drugged you'

'Geez what do you think we are/ who do you think we are?'


'We told you, to get you in the mood, it was just a bit of fun that's all' 

'Who brought it?' 

'Me' offered Rhys 

'Why' she repeated, eyes glassy/ and glazed over. 

'Where is it?'

'Do you still have the bottle' 

They exchanged glances and he pulled the bottle of the liquid out of his pocket and handed it over to her. 

She looked down at the label of a woman scantily clad in lacy underwear spread out provocatively on the front and threw the bottle in disgust at the nearest tree until the thin glass broke, spilling the floral scented liquid everywhere. 

She kicked out at the water bottle, knocking it over and launching it in to the fire, before leaning her leg even further forward to boot/ kick the boys in their shins in anger and pure undiluted rage before turning and running.




'Just let her go.'

'Not our fault she doesn't know how to have a bit of fun is it?'

'It was just a fucking joke'

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