t w o | m o n - e l

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"Mon-El! Get down here now!" My mother yells from downstairs. 

I quickly run down the stairs. "Yes, mother?"

"Go get ready, we are leaving for Krypton. Wear something appropriate, we are leaving in five minutes. Go," she says. 

I nod and run back to my room as fast as possible. I quickly change into black pants and a grey button-down shirt. 

I run back to my mother. "I'm ready, mother. I'll be on the ship," I say. I make my way outside. I see a group of girls close by, giggling. They all stop and look at me, lust clearly seen in their eyes. 

I avoid their gaze and walk into the ship, closing the door behind me. I sit in the corner. 

I don't understand why my parents are taking me to Krypton, of all places. I've never been there before but my parents have. Of course they have, they are the King and Queen. 

The door opens again, revealing my mother and father. 

"Son, why are you in such a rush?" My father speaks up. 

They seem to have a problem with everything I do. They get angry if I'm late and they get angry when I'm early. I don't understand them. 

"Sorry, father. I didn't want to make you and mother late. Why are we going to Krypton, exactly?"

"We have to settle things once and for all. The war must end. we have lost too many lives. It is not worth risking more for no reason. We are going to come up with some sort of agreement, like a peace treaty, if you would," he says. 

"And while we are there, please show some respect. We don't want you to make us look bad, do you understand?" Mother says to me.

All I do is nod slightly. I don't want to upset my mother or father. I've had my consequences for not listening to them. It's something that nobody knows. They don't know what I have to deal with every day. My parents might put on a respectful face in public but they are exactly how Krypton describes them, selfish snobs, ruling a planet for their gain. 

I am taken out my thoughts when I look out of the window and see Krypton's lively planet. 

As we get closer I see people walking around the streets, children playing and everything else that my home lacks. 

All of the buildings are similar in size. We approach a tall building, each level having a platform. We land on the highest platform. The doors open slowly. "Welcome," a male voice speaks. I stand behind my parents and wait for them to exit the ship. 

"Thank you for having us," my father says to the man. 

I look around and my eyes land on a girl, about my age, holding a child. I've never seen a woman as pretty as her. 

"Zor-El, this is our son, Mon-EL," my father says. 

I walk forwards shake the man's hand. 

"This is my daughter, Kara, and my nephew, Kal-El," he says. Her name is Kara, beautiful. 

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