e l e v e n | k a r a

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It's almost midday and our parents are still not back from their meeting.

I look over at Mon-El and watch intently as he plays with Kal, smiling.

I can't even imagine what it must be like for him back on Daxam. The way he described his home, it didn't sound like a home, more like a prison.

"Hey, do you want to eat something, it looks like our parents won't be in time for lunch," I ask him.

"Okay, sure," he says. He gets up from the floor, picking Kal-El up and holding him in his arms. Kal-El starts to giggle as Mon-El sways him from side to side.

"You do realize that you are continuously proving yourself wrong. You say that you've never interacted with children, but here you are. Even I can't make my own cousin laugh like you do," I say honestly.

"I guess I have superpowers on this planet," he smirks, causing me to smile.

I make my way into the kitchen and turn around, watching Mon-El put Kal in his high-chair. He walks back over to the window and grabs a small toy and places it on Kal's tray. He then makes his way over to me. "So, what are we eating?"

"Well, there is food left over from yesterday, or we can make something fresh," I offer.

"No, don't create more work for yourself. We'll eat the leftovers," he says.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." I heat up some of yesterday's food while Mon-El takes out two plates and cutlery.

"Kal-El won't be eating anything, right?" He questions.

"No. His parents will be coming by in the next hour or so to pick him up. I'm guessing that they are also at the meeting right now," I say.

"Okay, I'll take out two glasses," he says.

We sit down at the table and eat our meal in a comfortable silence.

Mon-El finishes eating minutes before me but doesn't get up. He quietly sips his water, allowing me to finish my meal. I smile at myself.

Why is he so nice? I never thought that anyone could be so nice, especially not the Prince.

When I'm done, I look at Mon-El and smile. Knowingly, we both get up and wash our dishes in the sink. I make my way to Kal after cleaning the kitchen and lift him out of the chair, walking over and placing him back on the floor.

Just as I set him down, the door opens. My parents, along with Mon-El and Kal-El's, come in.

Uncle Jor-El and his wife walk over to Kal and pick him up. "Thank you for watching over him, Kara," she smiles and then looks behind me. "And you must be Mon-El," she says with a smile.

"Yes, It's nice to meet you," he says.

"Thank you for watching my son," she says to him.

"Of course," he smiles.

Uncle Jor-El and his wife leave shortly after.

My mother has gone into the kitchen while my father sits in the living room with Mon-El's parents.

I watch Mon-El looking over at my mother for a few seconds before he walks up to me.

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