f i v e | k a r a

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"Thank you for showing me around, Kara," Mon-El says.

"Of course!" Mon-El is not at all how I expected him to be. He's not selfish, or anything people call Daxamites.

We walk back to the building and take the elevator up to our floor.

"Kara! Mon-El! How was your time?" Father asks.

"Kara took me to the market, it's really lively and beautiful," Mon-El says with a genuine smile.

I can tell my father is shocked by Mon-El's response but smiles in return.

"That's good to know. Kara, why don't you drop Kal at his place, his father is back."

I nod and leave the room, taking Kal's stroller from Mon-El.

I quickly drop Kal-El off at his father's place and return as quickly as possible. 

"Alright. I think it's time we eat. Kara, Mon-El, we will fill you in on the agreement at the table after our meal," my mother says. Both Mon-El and I nod and follow my parents into the hall, towards the dining table. 

We sit down at the table. My father, mother and I sat opposite Lar Gand, Rhea and Mon-El. Mon-El and I ate in silence while the men talked. The meal didn't take long. "Thank you for the meal, it was quite lovely," Rhea says politely.

"It's our pleasure," my mother says. 

I could tell that Rhea did, in fact, enjoy it since she is the one who ate most of the food I made. We don't have servants so my mother and I make all of the food. 

"Please thank whoever made this," Rhea says, assuming we live like them. 

"Actually, Kara made most of the food which was on the table," my mother says proudly. I smile slightly. 

"Oh," Rhea says, surprised. "Well, Kara, the meal was lovely, thank you," she says with a smile. 

"Of course," I smile back. 

"Alright kids, why don't we go to the family room to discuss the agreement," father says. 

We make our way to the family room and I could see Mon-El glancing my way every once in a while. 

"Please have a seat, kids," my father says. He looks at me in a way I cannot understand; regret.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, concerned. 

"Well, as you know, Daxam and Krypton have been at odds for as long as we can remember. We know that if we bring our planets together, as one, the war would be over," he says. 

Mon-El's father starts to speak. "We have come to an agreement we know will end the war. Unity, between our world's, will bring peace. In order to save lives of countless people, your father and I have come to the conclusion that a woman of Krypton will marry our son."

I sit there, knowing where this is headed. 

My father completes the last sentence. "You will marry Mon-El."

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