s i x t e e n | m o n - e l

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Last night I slept better than any night. I smile plays on my lips as I think about the incident from last night. I don't have to live on Daxam. I will live here, on Krypton, with Kara. 

A knock on my door breaks my thoughts. "Come in."

"Am I interrupting anything?" Kara asks quietly. 

"No, not at all. Is everything okay?" I ask, concerned. 

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know that our parents are waiting for us in the dining hall."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute. I'll change and be out," I say. 

She smiles in response and leaves my room, closing the door behind her. 

I quickly grab a white shirt and light brown pants and put them on. I look at myself in the mirror for a few seconds, making sure I'm presentable. I take one glance around the room before leaving. 

I close the door but don't see any sign of Kara outside in the hall. I walk down the hall quietly and turn into the dining hall. "Good morning, Mon-El," Alura greets. 

"Good morning," I say back.

"Did you sleep well last night, dear?"

"Yes, very well, thank you," I smile.

"That's good. Why don't you sit at the table, I'm bringing the food over," she gestures for me to sit. 

"I can help if you like," I say and grab the plates from the counter. I walk around the table, placing a plate in front of every seat. 

From the corner I see my mother and father with shock plastered all over their face. They didn't expect me to offer, let alone help. I ignore them and continue to help Alura. I notice Kara make her way into the kitchen and start to take the food over to the table. 

Two minutes later we're done and the table is set. "Thank you both," Alura says before sitting down. Kara and I sit down quietly and begin eating. 

"So," my father starts, "I think today would be a perfect day for the three of you to come and visit Daxam. Our people are wanting to meet their future queen."

Kara doesn't look up but I do notice that she stops eating. 

I nudge her from underneath the table while pleading with my eyes. She seems to understand and reluctantly takes another few bites from her plate. 

"What time should we leave?" Kara's father asks. 

"How about after breakfast? Our ship is ready and waiting," my father responds. 

"That sounds perfect," is all Zor-El says. 

The rest of the meal is eaten in silence. I only hope my parents don't change their mind about the living arrangements. 

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