t w e n t y t h r e e | k a r a

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"And not because you have to for our world but because you want to," I clarify my question.

"To be honest, I'm falling for you more everyday," he blushes.

I smile. "You look cute when you blush too, you know." I laugh.

"I am not blushing," he defends.

"Don't try to deny it," I continue to laugh.

"I like you too, Mon-El," I say quietly.

"You do?" He seems surprised by my answer.

"I'm only seventeen, and I've never experienced this before. It is all new for me and I do not know how to feel about it because I fav so many feelings and it is really overwhelming," I go on and on.

"Woah, calm down. Breathe." He lets out a small chuckle.

"Don't think that I didn't hear that," I say.

I stop to look at the beautiful plants in the garden, flowers and trees of several colours. Bright and beautiful. "The garden is beautiful," Mon-El says.

"Thank you. Here, look at this one," I point to a purple flower in the soil. "When I went to the well of stars with my father, I brought back a sapling and planted it here. I've been tending to it every day to make sure it is healthy and continues to grow."

Mon-El just smiles.

"I might not be able to see you for a while after today," I say quietly. "Until our wedding."

"Yeah," he says. "My parents are returning to Krypton tomorrow to see to the final arrangements with your parents."

"Everything is happening so fast," I say.

"My mother is probably raging because I will be staying here. I'm just glad she won't be able hurt you." Mon-El takes my hand in his and squeezes it lightly. "I would never let her harm you in any way, ever."

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