Chapter One- Discovery

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Finally. At last, I have found it. I scaled many mountains and have crossed many rivers to make it here.

The North Pole.

Adrenaline running through my veins, I run through the snow as if it's paper. I reach the wall and ready my gear for the climb.

The building looks old. That's actually kind of a good thing. Multiple stones are jutting out from the wall, so I have plenty of handholds.

I grab the first stone and heave myself upwards. So far so good.

After a lot of climbing and wishing I had gone to the bathroom earlier, I reached the top of the building; a snow covered glass dome. I wiped away some snow and heated up the frost so I could see inside. A little too late, I realized that the glass underneath me, was a glass panel that could be flipped. I accidentally leaned too far and...


Darkness... Then, I heard muffled voices.


"She... fell... get here?"

I blinked my eyes open a little, adjusting to the bright light above me.

"Shh shh! She's awake!" A lady's voice. I could hear clearly now. I sat up, using my right arm to support me, my left holding my throbbing head.

"Are you okay?" I opened my eyes completely.

I was greeted by a pale figure, whose skin almost shimmered, like ice. His pure white hair immediately made me think of snow. His pale blue eyes peered at me. They were so pretty...

Roughly, a huge hand picked me up from behind by my shirt.

"Well now, who do we have here?" a gruff voice said. I turned. It belonged to a gruff man too! A long white beard and mustache. Baby blue eyes underneath black, bushy eyebrows. At least these guys looked normal enough...

"You know wha' we gotta do, righ' ma'e?" An Australian? In the North Pole? I looked at where the voice was coming from and screamed. Startled, the large man dropped me and I immediately started to try and run away. I didn't get far though. Someone gently lifted me by my shoulders and turned me around, carrying me back to the strangers.

"Now now, there's no need to be afraid. I know we all were when we first woke up too, but don't worry. You're safe." I instantly felt soothed by the melodious voice, but quickly tensed up again when I saw her.

Mainly covered in, what looked like, colored scales ranging anywhere between yellow near her neck to deep purple at her ankles. Her hair wasn't even hair, it was feathers, the same shade as her, um, body?

I looked back at the atrocity that made me scream out in alarm. It was a giant bunny! He brandished a wooden boomerang. He looked as if he was getting ready to knock me out! And for some alarming reason, he was blue with a white stomach; the inside of his ears were white too, along with his paws and the tips of his feet.

"Eazy Bunny, you are going to scare ze poor child. Put zat away," said the giant man. I wanted to cower away, go hide in a corner somewhere.

I heard jangling on my left and saw... I don't even know what it was. I think it was made entirely of... sand? Golden sand. He was almost entirely round, his hair stuck out in five, straight places, kind of like half of the sun. His eyes were golden as well, and kind. He looked over the giant and... Well, it's a bit hard to describe it, but it was like he was speaking, but with pictures. No, he wasn't drawing, but little pictures made of sand appeared above his head. I couldn't understand any of it, but it looked like the man did.

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