- Epilogue -

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The prank was set in stone. They were done.

"I can't believe another year's gone by!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Mhm!" Hannah nodded.

"Time flies when you're having fun," Remus quoted. They began laughing.

They headed to breakfast and everyone began eating and their hair began changing color. Everyone just started laughing. "It's another one of their pranks!" A student had shouted. Yup, and it would be the last one of the school year.

Time Skip - Last day

Everyone packed their things into their luggages and headed off to the train. The students boarded and everyone had sat down. Hannah quickly sat with the Marauders and talked about all of the pranks.

A few hours later.

The train abruptly stopped and everyone walked off the train. Sirius said goodbye and went off to find his parents and Remus went off as well. Peter ran off somewhere with his parents and it was just two left. "I can't believe it's all over!" James smiled. Hannah smiled back.

"Yeah, it was a good year though." Hannah laughed, getting her luggage. She heard her parents call her name.  "I hear my parents, I better go." She turned around. Hannah paused and bit her lip. It's now or never. She turned around and smashed her lips into James'. After a brief second, Hannah ran off with her luggage, leaving James a blushing mess.

"I'll see you next year," He whispered, touching his lips. He kissed someone. James smiled and went off with his parents.

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