Chapter 7

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          When I left the therapist's office, the entire world seemed oddly grim. It was silent, the only sounds in the lobby coming from the rain outside and the clock's coordinated ticking.

I watched my feet as I walked out into the cold, damp atmosphere of the town, the occasional tires or feet splashing through puddles loudly as I made my way down the road.

Have you tried calling him?

I sighed as the puddles of water shifted beneath my boots.


I rounded a corner, losing myself in thought as I continued on. My movements slowly became automatic as I stopped paying attention to my surroundings. All I could hear were the faint echoes of the sounds once flooding my mind as I made my way through the empty town - which, now that I think about it, practically seemed abandoned. But it was normal, especially during such unforgivable weather conditions.

Then you need to reach him at the source.

What do you mean?

I gasped aloud slightly along with my thoughts, as if I was back with the doctor once more, pouring my heart out to her.

You need to meet him the one place he'll definitely be - his house.

I stopped in front of a glass door, which was fogged from the humidity of the surrounding air. Above me stood a large sign, which was part of the building's upper wall. I read it carefully before nodding to myself in conformation and walking towards the door. It was Solomon Muto's game shop - and more importantly, Yugi's home.

I'm finally here, Yugi. Here to fix everything.


September 28th, 2004,

           I stood beside a shelf packed full of cards, each foil packet carefully placed back in it's proper spot. My grandpa had let me run the shop late at night while he slept, especially in the comfort of knowing that we had stopped receiving calls from the regular number. I had brushed it off, assuming it was probably nothing more than a scam of some sort - but even so, I couldn't help but wonder who was on the other side.

As I set the last pack of cards onto it's rack, the bell above the door chimed, announcing a new customer's arrival. I turned towards the door curiously, but was quickly blocked by a tall, slim figure that wrapped me into a hug. Their touch felt familiarly soft, as familiar as their blue jacket and dark collar.


The teen nuzzled his head on my shoulder, whispering apologetically. ''Yugi, I'm so sorry, I never should've-''

''Yami, please,'' I pushed him off gently, quickly locking the shop door and flipping the sign to read "Closed". ''Not here.''

''Yugi, please just listen to me-''

He grabbed my bandaged wrist as he trailed off in realization, his thumb swiping across the smooth cloth before he locked eyes with me. I looked away quickly, unsure how to respond. 

''I'm s-sorry, Yami..'' I stuttered, sighing nervously as I tried my hardest to avoid his gaze.

There was silence for a moment until he pulled me into another hug, this one tighter than the last as he felt around my wrist in concern. Chills shot down my spine as he traced fingers over the bandaged wound, the only sounds I could hear being his sniffling and my own heartbeat as I tried to nudge him off.

''Yugi.. Why?''

''Please, Yami, let go of me,'' I groaned, pushing at him, but he only tightened his grip on me. I didn't want to seem mean or hurtful, but my mind was everywhere - just a few moments ago I was going about my everyday life, or at least what had been my everyday life for the past month. Then, suddenly, Yami walks in, pulls me into an inescapable hug, and I can't tell if it's a dream or a nightmare.

''No, Yugi! Not until you expla-''

''It was you, ok?!''

I finally broke from his embrace, staring at him with tears in my eyes as he looked back in shock. He let out small gasps, unable to formulate words and respond to my outburst.

''You left us, you left me in the 7th grade with no explanation, and then you suddenly show up Senior year and decide to fix it all? You suddenly decide that this will be the year you cut off ties with your gang, the year you finally decide to try and come back? Well, It didn't work! And because of that, I've lost the few people I had left - Joey's gone insane protecting me, Mana left me.. I can't even go to school, Yami! School!''

''But, Yugi.. I told you why I-''

I leaned in closer as I shouted, making my words very clear. ''I don't care what you said before! You caused this when you left, you set off this.. this.. domino effect! You never had to leave, you could've stayed with us! With me! You could've done it, you could've..''

I let my sobs take over as I wiped my cheeks clear. Yami took my hands in his, bringing them back up to the sides of my face before pulling my face closer. He smiled, his crimson eyes shining with tears that had collected as he scanned across me. 

''Yugi.. I'm sorry. I just wanted you to be safe.. I.. I'm just glad you're ok.''

My breathing grew sporadic at his words, his breath brushing against me and his touch warming my heart. My heart was racing, pounding in my head as I suddenly felt like a child in pure ecstasy. What was going on? What were these emotions he seemed to bring out so suddenly? I could hardly remember the last time I felt so loved, so comforted and warm. So why was Yami, of all people, and of all the times in the world, bringing these feelings back?

His face drew closer before the gap between us closed, a soft kiss placed on my lips. I stood in shock, unaware of what to do before he broke away and smiled at me sweetly. He pulled me into a hug, nestling his head on my shoulder before whispering something to me.

''I'll always protect you, Yugi. No matter what.''



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