Chapter 11

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          The night came quick, and with it came the dreadful memory that I had agreed to go to a party with Tea. The closer the time came for me to grab my keys and leave, the more I wanted to back out of it completely, just to avoid her. The only real reason I was going, I suppose, was to de-stress, after everything that's happened already this year. Maybe if Yugi was going, I could avoid Tea and her, well, clinginess? Whatever the word for it is - But he didn't want to go, and I wasn't going to force him to. 

I glanced over at the clock that was hanging on the wall, the ticks echoing through my head as the minutes went by. It was growing late into the afternoon, which meant any moment now I'd have to -


Ra. Right on cue. I picked up the phone and, to no surprise, found that Tea was calling me. I hesitantly answered it, knowing what awaited me on the other end.

"Yami! Hey! You gonna be here soon?"

I pushed myself off of the couch and grabbed my jacket from it's hanger, sighing. "Yeah, I'm on my way."

"Great! I'm so excited, we finally get to go out for once! Isn't this just great? Really, it-"

"Yeah, I know, Tea, alright. I've gotta go."

And with that, I hung up the call, not even bothering to hear her out any longer. I went to pick my keys up from the counter, and - Where are they? Of course I've lost them, I never drive anyways. Walking is much better, both to avoid traffic and to actually enjoy the time spent travelling. Maybe it's best I drive her there, then. There's nothing in the world that would make her rambling enjoyable, so I might as well rush it.

I finally found my keys on a shelf far across the kitchen and made my way out the door, locking it and hopping into the drivers seat. With a quick turn of the key, the engine was revving and I was off down the street, towards what, in my mind, seemed like my demise.

If only.

My phone was going off like crazy the whole way there, and I didn't bother to check it - I already knew it would be Tea, going on and on about how I was taking forever and how she couldn't wait to go. What I couldn't wait to do was get out of this car, to get lost in the crowd and to never, ever agree to something as stupid as this again.

I stopped in front of the girl's house, who had been impatiently waiting on her porch and scanning up and down the street for me. She ran out to the car, almost tripping in her heels with her overly-ecstatic walk, and sat down beside me. I tried my best to keep my distance as the car headed down the road once again.

"So, uh, Yami, how are you doing? You aren't seeing anyone else, right? Well, I just want you to know that-"

"Where's that house again?" I asked, dismissing all of her other questions. She seemed shocked at first, but brushed it off and quickly picked up her phone.

"It's, uh..." She scanned across the screen, then the land in front of us before pointing. "There."

It was a giant house, somewhat secluded from the others in the area. You could clearly tell someone noteworthy lived there, and the cars of attending teens piled up throughout the street. I parked the car as close as I could, to make the journey quick, and stepped out before taking one more good look at the home.

Something seemed.. familiar. And not in a good way. Not at all.

I was hesitant to walk in, but Tea dragged me along without a choice. I groaned as she shoved through the crowds and pushed me into the door, where I was faced with a massive amount of students, two in particular who immediately caught my eye.

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