Chapter 1

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As always, my alarm clock went off way too early and I had to drag myself out of bed. I checked my phone to find 3 missed calls from Dylan and 11 new text messages, 8 from Dylan, two from Haley and one from our other friend Nate. He has been ill for the whole week and we haven’t heard from him since, so his text was the first one I opened.

"Hey Soph, I’m better now, but I really need to tell you something so meet me and Haley at Starbucks at 8 am x.”

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 7 so I had enough time to get ready for school. Then I opened Haley’s text.

“Loser. I really need to tell you something! Call me!”

And the second read:

"Lol. Don’t call me. I’ll tell you when we’re at Starbucks xx.”

Why does everybody need to tell  me something all of a sudden? Weird. I quickly jumped into the shower before Dan did and washed my hair. After I was done I towel dried my hair and did my make-up. I applied a bit of foundation to cover up my red spots, light brown eye shadow to make my blue eyes appear bluer, a thin line of eyeliner and a few layers of mascara. I decided on my blue ripped skinny jeans and my black Nirvana shirt. I was searching through my room for my white high top Converses when I heard my phone ring. I quickly looked at the caller ID to find Haley’s name written on the display. I pressed the accept button and said hi. “Hey Soph, I’m in front of your house, you coming?” She said sounding not so happy. “Yeah, I’ll be right down.” With that I pressed end call and quickly put on my Converses which I luckily found.

 When I walked down the stairs, my dad suddenly appeared at the bottom. “Ah. You’re just in time. Samantha has made us a lovely breakfast.” He said with a smile. “Sorry. I’m going to Starbucks for breakfast.” I replied while grabbing my black leather jacket. “And with whom if I may ask.” He asked growing annoyed with me. “No boys right?” “Just Haley and Nate.” I answered. “Who is Nate? Is he your boyfriend? How come you’ve never introduced him to me? To us?” He rambled. “Nate has been over a thousand times. Nate as in Nathan. Nathan Johnson. And now if you will excuse me, Haley is waiting outside for me.” I said while grabbing my bag and walking out of the door.

 “Hey hey hey. Sorry, my dad was being difficult.” I said annoyed. “Hahah. Yeah, I figured. Let’s go, I bet Nate is already waiting for us to come.” Haley replied smiling.

 When we finally arrived at Starbucks, we saw Nate sitting in the back with 3 cups of coffee and two muffins. “Hey Nathan.” I said teasing him with his full name. “Shut up.” He said back. “Woah, somebody is grumpy today.” Haley joked. “It’s not that. It’s just what I need to tell you Soph.” He said getting really serious. Nate is never this serious. “What’s up?” I asked. “Well, the other day, I was just walking my dog because I was the only one home and yeah you know.” He started rambling. “Nate just get to the point.” I interrupted him. Once he started rambling there was no stopping him. “Yeah sorry. As I was walking with Cupcake, I saw something. I saw Dylan. And Monica. Making out.” He said with an apologetic look. “Yeah, I saw them too. They were kissing in front of his house.” Haley confessed. “When was this?” I asked them. “Uhm, I saw them Tuesday.” Nate said looking down. “Yeah me too.” Haley admitted. “Tuesday? It’s fucking Thursday and you’re only telling me now!” I exclaimed. “I’m sorry but I wanted to tell you in person! And I was ill yesterday.” Nate whispered. “What about you Haley? What’s your excuse?” “I’m sorry. I was scared to tell you. I didn’t know how you would react.” She nearly whispered. I let out a big sigh. “Well, you must be relieved, because I already knew. I didn’t really knew, but I had heard rumours. And I thank you for confirming them.” I said with a smile. They are my best friends, I couldn’t be mad at them over Dylan. They just wanted what’s best for me and I understand Haley because I know that I sometimes don’t think before I act and do something I’ll regret later. “So you’re not mad at us for not telling you immediately?” Haley asked. “No it’s okay” I smiled. The rest of the remaining time we just talked and laughed until it was time to go to school.

 First period was math. In all honesty, math is the subject I despise the most and I suck at it. It’s so hard and my teacher isn’t nice at all, I swear she hates  me. Luckily Nate was in this class and Dylan wasn’t. The whole period consisted of me being distracted, writing notes with Nate and doodling in my note pad. Second period was English, where we mostly watched Pride and Prejudice. The rest of the periods flew by and before I knew it, it was already time for lunch and time for me to talk to Dylan.

 As I was walking with Macy, a girl from my history class, towards our lockers I spotted Dylan leaning against mine. “Hey baby.” He said with a wink. “I know about you and Monica.” I said with the sweetest fakest smile I could muster. “There is no Monica and me.” He said with a fake confused face. “Dylan, you and I both know that you’re the worst actor, so don’t even try okay.” “I’m not acting. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Dylan, we are over. And if you could please step aside, I need to-” But before I could finish he had me pinned against the lockers and looked furious. “You listen to me. We are not going to break up over a stupid thing that you don’t know anything about. You don’t know anything about me and Monica! So listen what you’re going to do, you’re going to grab your books and then you’re going to the cafeteria to have lunch with me.” He spat. “First of all, there is no ‘we’ and second of all, there shouldn’t be a ‘me and Monica’. So would you please find your manners and be so kind to let go off me and leave.” He looked at me shocked, he wasn’t used to me being so mean to him. But I couldn’t care less. He let go off me and walked away with his friends. My eyes followed him with a look of pure hate.

 Haley and Nate walked towards me as I was opening my locker and swapping my old books for the new ones. They asked me what happened and I told them everything. The remaining periods were rather boring and before I knew it I was already at my mum’s house. I did my homework and we had diner. At diner she asked me how my field hockey practise was yesterday and I told her it was cancelled. I spent the rest of the evening talking to my mum until the subject landed on Dylan. “So, how’s Dylan doing?” My mum asked, not looking very happy. “Yeah, we broke up.” I answered nonchalantly. “Awh honey. Why?” My mum asked sounding just a tad sad. She never really liked him. “I didn’t like him anymore and Haley and Nate saw him kissing somebody else.” “Awh baby, are you okay?” “Yeah I’m fine. He’s a dick anyway.” I said with a smile. My mum glared at me for saying dick but didn’t make a remark about it. I quickly changed the subject and after a while I started to feel tired so I decided to go to bed. When I was lying in bed I went on Twitter and lazily scrolled through my notifications until something caught my eye.

 One new follower: @Michael5SOS

 Wasn’t that the band where Haley and I got a question about? I quickly checked his profile and soon my thought were confirmed as I saw my mentions blowing up with tweets about my Michael follow. I followed him back and Googled ‘5 Seconds of Summer’. I scrolled through a couple of pictured and noticed they were not bad looking at all. I fell asleep with the thought that I might need to check their music out some time soon.


Hi to whoever is reading this. Thank you so much for reading! It would mean the world to me if you could maybe tell your friends about this story or give me a little feedback :) Thank you! Love, themessofmylife x

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