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The last bell of the day rang and everybody bolted out of the classroom. Almost everybody was gone while I was still packing my bag. "Hey idiot!' I heard somebody yell at me as soon as I got out of the classroom. "Hi loser." I said to my best friend, Haley. "Are you doing something today?" She asked me. "Uhm. I actually wanted to shoot some videos, but you're more than welcome to help." I replied with an innocent smile. "Okay okay." she said. "Thank you! I love you!" I called after Haley while she walked towards her locker on the other side of the hallway. I grabbed my jacket and my skateboard and slammed my locker when somebody pinched my sides making me drop my stuff. "Hey." " Jesus fucking Christ Dylan, you scared the shit out of me." I said while picking up my stuff. "Sorry babe. I didn't want to make you jump." He said while leaning in to kiss me. I quickly turned my head and he gave me a confused look. "Everybody is watching." I quickly said. "Anyway, are we still on for tonight?" He asked me with a wink. "Dylan, you know it's Wednesday. I was meant to upload a new video yesterday and I didn't because I hung out with you the whole day. And I still need to vlog and I have practice and I just don't have the time. Sorry." I replied while slowly walking away. "You ready Soph?" Haley asked. "You have no time for me, but you do have time for her.” Dylan said becoming angry. “Well I’m so sorry that she is capable of helping me film without distracting me every second. I’m not even going to discuss this with you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I quickly grabbed Haley’s arm and dragged her along with me. “We all know that you will be crawling back to me in a couple of hours.” He called after us. “Fuck off Dylan.” I yelled through the hallway, which wasn’t one of my best moves, as a teacher was standing right in front of us. “What was that that you said Ms. Martins?” Mr. Smith said with an angry look on his face. “Uh nothing.” I quickly replied. “Don’t ever let me hear that again and especially not meant towards one of our best students.” He said with a stern face. I looked over my shoulder and saw Dylan smirking. I just nodded and walked along. Once Haley and I were outside, we started laughing really hard. “Oh my god! You should’ve seen Mr. Smith’s face. It was priceless!” Haley laughed as we walked off the school grounds. We went to a really strict school where no skateboards were allowed to touch the ground. Once we were through the school gates we placed our skateboards on the ground and skated in the direction of my house. We were still laughing as I grabbed my vlogging camera and told the story while Haley impersonated Mr. Smith’s face.

Once we arrived at my house we finally calmed down. “I’m hooooomeeeee.” I yelled as soon as I opened the door. Nobody reacted but I heard laughing coming from the kitchen. I gave Haley a confused look and walked towards the kitchen. “Hello?” I said before I opened the door. When I opened the door I saw my dad and an unfamiliar women cooking. “Who is this?” I asked sounding a bit rude, but I couldn’t care less at the moment. My parents split up just over a month ago and he was already cooking with someone else? That used to be my mum and dads thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sad or anything that they have split up. I mean it was for the best, they used to fight all the time and they just didn’t really love each other anymore. But they were together for a good 25 years, shouldn’t my dad be more upset about it? “Oh hi sweetie.” My dad said as he walked over to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head. “This is my colleague Samantha.” I gave my dad a confused look. “No need to be so sweet. I’m not five anymore.” I said harshly. I don’t really have a very good relationship with my father because we fight a lot. He always brags about my brother’s grades and how mine are much worse than his were when he was my age and how my younger sister is smarter than me when I was her age. Little does he know that the reason why my brother got good grades was because he was shagging his English and geography teacher. “There is no need to be rude young lady. Now where are the manners I taught you? Introduce yourself!” He said sternly. “Hi, I’m Sophia and this is Haley.” I said with no emotion. “I’m Samantha as your father said. Nice to meet you.” She said with a smile. She might be nice, but I’m just not in the mood. Not after the fight with Dylan. It seems that all we do lately is fight and I don’t even like him that much anymore. I think I might break up with him soon. “We’ll be upstairs filming so don’t interrupt us.” I said while grabbing Haley’s arm and dragging her along. I heard music coming from my brother’s room and jerked his door open. “Dan, did you know dad was bringing that women home?” I asked. “What? Oh yeah. Didn’t you know?” He replies. “No! Why am I always the last one in this household to know things?” I exclaimed. “Maybe because you’re stupid.” He said with a smirk. “Well I didn’t pass the year because I was shagging my teacher!” I shot back. Before I knew it a pillow was thrown against my head. “Shut the fuck up! Dad could hear you!” He yelled at me. “Yeah, I mean he won’t hear you fucking yelling at me. Smooth moves Dan.” I ran back to my room where Haley was laying on my bed playing with her phone. “Can you please stay for dinner? I can’t handle being alone with my dad and Samantha, not after the fight with Dylan.” I pleaded. “Of course babe. What is even going on with you and Dylan? All you seem to do is fight.” She said with a worried face. “Yeah I know. I just, I don’t know. I don’t like him as much as I did in the beginning and I just don’t like the way he acts. I think I’m going break up with him.” “Awh. I’m sorry baby.” She said sympathetically. “That’s okay. It hasn’t been that long and I wasn’t going to marry him anyway.” I said with a smile. “Okay, I want to do the best friend tag.” I said changing the subject. “Yeah sure!” Haley smiled. We tweeted if anybody had questions for us to answer about each other and then set up my camera equipment.

“Hi guys! So today I’m joined with my lovely bestie Haley.” I started the video. “Hello there.” Haley said with a wink. “Okay so today we’re going to do the best friend tag. If you haven’t heard of it before, where the hell have you been? Basically, we just tweeted the hashtag #askHaphiaBestFriendTag and we’re going to answer the questions about each other. Whoever loses needs to hand their Twitter over for the rest of the day. So here we goooo. The first question is from Anne and she wants to know what our favorite ice cream flavor is. This one is easy, you go first.” I said. “Oh no. Yours changes like every week!” Haley exclaimed. “Yeah, but there is one that stands out. I know you know it.” “Uhm. Is it white chocolate?” Haley said hesitantly. “Yes it is. Yours is strawberry. So basic.” I replied. “Because chocolate isn’t.” She fired back with a playful eye roll. We did a few more questions before we came to our last one. “This one is from Julie Irwin. What does your best friend think about One Direction and 5SOS? Oh damn, this one is hard.” I said while thinking of an answer. “No, this one is easy. You like some One Direction songs but you don’t know 5SOS.” Haley said with a satisfied smile. “You look very satisfied with yourself.” “That’s because I’m right.” Haley smirked. “No you are not. I do know who 5SOS are.” I replied. “Oh really. Then tell me, what does 5SOS stand for?” Haley asked. “That’s so obvious. It stands for uh.” I started thinking what it could possibly mean but I just couldn’t come up with something. “Ugh. I give up. I don’t know.” I confessed. “Ha told you so! It stands for 5 Seconds of Summer.” She said with a smirk. “Well, you love One Direction but don’t listen to ‘5 Seconds of Summer’ that often.” I shot back. “Wrong! I listen to 5SOS practically all the time. I adore them.” She corrected me. “You so don’t! You never told me!” I exclaimed. “I so did! And since you got this one wrong, you lose! Give me your phone!” I pouted when I handed her my phone. After she practically spammed my followers with a bunch of bullshit, she finally handed my phone back and we ended our video.

“Sophia! Sophia!” My dad yelled from downstairs. “What?” I yelled back. “Dinner is ready!” Oh god. I certainly do not feel like socializing with my family right now. I sighed really loudly and walked downstairs with Haley. We sat down and I could immediately feel the tension between my dad and me. “So Sophia, why don’t you tell Samantha something about your YouTube channel?” My dad asked me. I swallowed loudly and put my knife and fork down. “Uh yeah. I have a YouTube channel where I post videos of me doing idiotic things. That’s it basically.” I shortly answered. “Finally you agree that you do idiotic stuff.” My younger sister Katie said. I glared at her and was tempted to flip her off.

After dinner was over, which consisted of my dad asking questions about our day and telling us random facts about Samantha which nobody gave a fuck about, Haley had to go home and I spent the rest of my evening editing videos, uploading one and dodging Dylan’s call. I’ll deal with him tomorrow.

Long way home. - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now