Chapter 5

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Sophia's P.O.V.

I stood on the field shifting from one foot to the other nervously. I was still waiting for Haley and the game was almost starting. This was one of the most important matches and I was really nervous. We had already played against this team one time and it didn't end well. I really needed her support.

I looked at all the supporters once again and saw a familiar face. Just as I looked at him he looked back at me. I quickly ran to him and embraced him in a hug.

"Nate! Thank you so much for coming. I think Haley's bailing on me." I exclaimed. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and let go of me.

"Yeah, she asked if I could come because she couldn't make it. She thought you would need the support because you'd be super nervous." He replied with a smile. He looked around and frowned when he saw something.

"What is it?" I questioned, looking around trying to find the cause of his frown.

"Don't you think your skirt is a little too short? Can't you pull it down or something? And maybe button up your polo a bit more? It shows a lot of cleavage and it'll be worse when you're running." He said, his eyes looking up and down at me.

"What? I always wear this like this, you never say something about it." I said with a confused face.

"Yeah, I know. But normally there aren't boys with a Nirvana shirt, ripped black jeans and a lip piercing checking you out." He shot back.

"What? Who? Where?" I asked looking around. And then I saw him. Luke fucking Hemmings was standing just a few feet away staring at me. "I'll be right back." I quickly said to Nate.

"What? No Soph! You're not going to that dude." He warned me. I just shook my head and walked towards Luke.

"Hey stranger. What are you doing here?" I said a soon as I reached him.

"Hey. Haley said she couldn't make it, so she asked me if I could come. But she failed to say that you're boyfriend was already coming." He said, spitting out the last part.

"Who? Nate? Nate's not my boyfriend. Oh god no. He's our best friend, I would never date him." I explained. "Come, you should go and meet him." I said nudging him from over the fence that protected the supporters from balls that happen to come off the field.

We walked towards Nate and he squinted his eyes at us as we approached. "Nate, this is Luke. Luke, this is Nate." I said. They just nodded at each other. The refugee blew her whistle and screamed that we should get into our positions. I quickly gave Nate a hug and whispered in his ear that he at least should try to be nice to Luke. He groaned but still nodded. I then gave Luke a hug and he whispered a good luck in my ear. I smiled at them one last time before I ran up to the refugee. I was team captain for this match because it was my last.

I shook hands with both the refugee's and also with the opponent's captain. She glared at me and didn't say good luck as you were suppose to. I gave her a confused look and walked away to my position. "Alright! Let's do this ladies! Come on!" Our coach encouraged us.

After a couple of minutes the ball was passed to me and I started running with it. A girl came running at me, but instead of going for the ball, she went for my knees. She slammed her stick against them, causing me to let out a loud groan and falling to the ground. The girl gave me an evil smirk and ran played to ball to one of her teammates. I mumbled a quick fuck before standing up and looking at the damage on my knees. It was starting to sting and blood was dripping from the wound but I ignored it.

I quickly recovered and ran after the ball. I tried to steal it from the girl but she shoved her body in front of me, pushing me with so much force that I almost lost my balance. Another girl from my team tried to take the ball too, but she also pushed her away. She was shoving her way through our defenders.

There were a few minutes left and then this half would be over. I had gotten a couple more scratches and wounds, but I refused to take a break. The refugee b her whistle three times, signaling that this half was over. I walked to the dugout and grabbed a bottle of water to rinse my wounds with. I walked towards Nate and Luke while I was inspecting the damage on my elbow. During the game I looked over at them a couple of times to find them talking with very concentrated faces, probably comparing field hockey with football.

"Jesus Soph are you okay? You're practically covered in blood." Nate exclaimed.

"It's not that bad. I'm fine." I said while rinsing off my knee. Just as I was about to get up, somebody tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw an all too familiar face close. "I wondered when you would show up." I casually said.

"Introduce me to your friend, will you?" She said rather rudely.

"And why should I do that? You already caused most of this." I replied, motioning to the blood that had stained my orange socks.

"Hi, I'm Heather." She said pushing past me and exstanding her hand for Luke to shake.

"I'm Luke." He said shortly, not shaking her hand.

"You should totally come over to our side and watch it from there. It's much better than here on the loser side." She said, pulling her shirt down so that her cleavage was even more in view.

"No thanks, I'll pass." Luke said, looking at me again. "I'm good here." I gave him a small smile. Heather scoffed and walked away, her 'friends' following her.

There were 5 minutes left and we were still tied. I had gotten more scratches and bruises but the refugees didn't notice. We had a few chances, but we missed the whole time.

The ball was finally passed to me, I ran with it again. I was just about to play it to one of my teammates in front of the goal, when something hard hit me right above my eye, causing me to crash against to ground. I felt blood trickling down my face and onto my shirt. The refugee blew her whistle signalling that the ball was for our team.

"Are you okay?" One of the refugees asked me. I nodded and got myself ready to play the ball. My coach asked me if I needed a break and I replied with a cold no. I saw Heather smirking at me and a feeling of pure hatred flowed through me.

I ran with the ball and avoided a few sticks. I ran straight for Heather and her stupid smirk. When she saw that I wasn't stopping she jumped away and shrieked, as u figured. It created an open goal for me with only the goal keeper in front of me. I hit the ball as hard as I could and it landed in the goal with a loud bang.

When the final whistle was blown, my teammates let out a variety of victory screams. I went to the dugout and was immediately sent away by my coach. She said that I should go home and clean my wounds. The team thanked me for the wonderful game and said they would miss me next season. I walked towards Luke and Nate to find only Luke standing there.

"Where's Nate?" I questioned looking around for him.

"He had to leave for work." Luke replied inspecting my face. "Shit. They really got you good, didn't they? Your eyebrow is basically gushing with blood. You need to clean that shit."

"I know, but Nate was my ride home. And now he just left." I said annoyingly.

"I can take you home, if you want?" Luke suggested.

"Really? That'd be great Luke! Thank you."

"It's nothing. Let's go." He replied, trying to sound casual. "I called a taxi, if that's okay with you."

"A taxi is fine Luke." I replied with a smile. I told the driver my address. The whole ride consisted of Luke asking me questions about the field hockey rules and asking me every five seconds if I was okay.

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked him as soon as we arrived at my house.

"Uh. Sure. Yeah, okay." He said nervously.

"Don't worry. Nobody's home. No creepy little sister or weird brother, I promise." I reassured him. He nodded and followed me. I walked upto the front door and unlocked it.

"Well, well. Look who finally got home."


I'm sorry that this was super short and it sucked. I've just heard some bad news and I don't know how to deal with it, so I didn't have any inspiration.

Long way home. - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now