The Job of a Lifetime (2)

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Most of the students and even a few teachers of Beacon Academe were laughing hysterically.

Even Ozpin gave a VERY amused chuckle as they watched Nathan Drake scream like a maniac plummeting into the Emerald Forrest. Even when a Nevermore had shot a feather causing a tear in his parachute. He still acted like a scarred chicken not knowing what he was doing.

This, even though it was amusing to watch, was also troubling to both Professor Ozpin and the members of Team RWBY. Ozpin worried if he had made a mistake. He knew that Mr. Drake can take care of himself. He obviously had done so before if he were to make it this long without aura. But he didn't know about Beowolves. The most common type of the Creatures of Grimm. And Drake was now in Nevermore and DeathStalker Territory in the Emerald Forrest. Would he be able to fight them off with a simple gun based weapon or would he find a way past? Only time could tell.

Team RWBY was worried for different reasons. Blake was worried that this unknown man if he would become a teacher at Beacon Academe, may end up selling them out and open up an attack on the school for the bad guys such as the notorious mob boss, Roman Tortchwick. Was Nathan somehow working for him or someone even worse? It seemed unlikely but not impossible. If she was allowed to think of anything else she would have thought, she was over exaggerating about him. But she wouldn't take that chance to be wrong.

Weiss was worried for the sake of the school's good name. Beacon Academe was a school meant for Huntsmen and Huntresses in training. One of the only four in the world and the greatest of the four. And for Ozpin to hire some outsider with clearly no sign of Huntsmen training. Not even Basic training! And yet Ozpin has this 'mission' for this Nathan Drake to become their teacher!? This was unacceptable! She would be having a serious word with Professor Ozpin and Mr. Drake when they returned.

Yang was getting worried because she was starting to really enjoy teasing and making fun of the new guy. Yes, she was worried about his safety as everyone else was but this was her main reasoning. However, with Yang she wanted to keep teasing and 'getting to know him better'. She just liked to make him uncomfortable and to make fun of him while he was around. Why else would she have touched his butt in the elevator. The look on his face? Priceless! But now she was worried that her new subject on tortuous teasing may be in for more than he can chew. Especially if the only weapon he was carrying was a small pistol.

Ruby was probably the only one  truly worried in her team about the man Nathan Drake for the sake of his person. Nathan Drake was a mystery to her and she was determined to learn all she can about him. Where he's from, what kind of person he is, what he knows about the world. She could tell that Nathan wasn't a bad guy. The look in his eyes and the way he viewed everything proved it. He was just confused and she could tell that he doesn't want to fight when he doesn't have to. The look in his eyes had told her that he had experienced things that no normal person could handle, the fact that Ozpin agreed with her was another tell sign. So he was tough. But they also told her that he had a tough life. She didn't know what kind of life he had gone through but she would listen if given the chance and try to learn from his life experiences. From the way he talked to the way he acted. Ruby could tell that he had some stories to tell. And she couldn't wait for the day he would share them with her and her team.

After the laughter died down everyone continued to watch the man known as Mr. Drake blindly wander the woods with a small jog. Not as fast as they'd like, but slow enough to take in the scenery. The look on his face told everyone that he was amazed at what he saw. Then they all heard him start to speak. "Oh man, this place is gorgeous! But Still, got nothing on Shamballa." Shamballa? What is that? Some kind of Forrest where he was from? Or some kind of city? Nathan started talking again. "what did they call it?... Vale? That place was beautiful no doubt, but they've been beat ages ago."

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