A Day On the Town (1)

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Ozpin was sitting in his chair at his desk. He coffee mug set aside as he rubbed his temples for the fifth time since he sat down. He was currently in another argument about the same subject. The subject being the adventuring treasure hunter, Nathan Drake. His opponent was one, General James Ironwood. They have been arguing for over an hour about what to do with Mr. Drake. The General would go off about how much good his machine can do and why Drake must be used as the test subject so they can perfect it for those with high amounts of aura. Ozpin on the other hand would go on about all the risks, flaws, and evil that can come from a machine like that existing. Even if it were for good intentions, corruption can turn good intentions into acts of evil.

"Think about it Ozpin. The ability to know the plans of our enemies without the use of torture and interrogations that have been used in the past. To give true justice to those who need and to those who deserve it. The possibility to aid those who suffer from PTSD! The possibilities are endless! And you're sitting there denying the good that can come from what I'm proposing." Ironwood once again tried to convince the Experienced headmaster with his words. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"What you're proposing, is using one of my staff to be a part of an experiment, that he has no intention of joining, and you say that because he won't join you want to ask for permission to send your military in to take him by force? I've said it once and I'll say it a hundred times more if I have to. No. Mr. Drake is a man who I believe is beneficial to the students of my academy. I will do everything in my power to protect the well-being of my students and protect an innocent man from being dragged into a project made by people, Grimm-bent on getting everything their corrupt desires want through means of going through the privacy of a man's mind. I like to imagine there are reasons why there are no semblences based on mind reading. I also like to imagine it's because of those reasons why a project like this shouldn't exist in the first place." He stopped to take a deep breath. Both of them were mentally exhausted trying to convince the other to their side of the matter. "James arguing about it isn't going to get us anywhere. I can't let you take my staff without their permission on some mind reading device. Besides I have gained enough trust from Mr. Drake while he has been here to have him finally start to talk to me as if I wasn't the warden of his own prison. If I gave you permission to take him I'd lose all the trust I've tried to earn. Not only that but it also might cause him to run. Now remember he has no aura so tracking him using your military scopes SPACIFICALLY designed to locate the aura signatures of an individual will have no effect on him, meaning he can walk around freely without a worry in the world about us finding him. No matter what there is nothing either of us can do about his situation. He will be safe here in Vale where ATLAS will have no say in the matter. That is final." Ozpin finished by folding his hands together to let Ironwood know that he was serious.

Said General just sat there and sighed. "You know Ozpin. It's times like this when being the Headmaster of my own academe really has its perks." He said bluntly.

"What are you on about?"

"Before I came here I was contacted by the Council of Remnant as you well know." He looked at Ozpin. "They told me about Drake and how he could be useful for the project. Look to tell you the truth I don't like it any more than you do. But the more they talked the more it made sense that he MUST be the test subject for the project. He can provide the necessary results in order to get this underway to solve the problems we've been having. I listened to them for hours explain why it was 'The upmost importance that you get this man as the subject for testing no matter the cost'. You know how they get."

"Your point, James."

"my point is that I was ordered by all members of the council to take him by force if absolutely necessary." He finished.

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