The Search for Origins (2)

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"I found It." Drake said relieved. Nate, Sully and Cutter had been searching for a clue left by an anagram from the golden disk after deciphering it's message. Nate knew there had to be something in the room related to it. And to his credit he was right. "Up there. The figure head from Drakes ship." Nate knew what he needed to do. The figure head was clear up on the top of a column. Luckily there were small ledges for him to hold on to, so he made his climb. d

Leaping from one column to the next he was able to try and reach for the figure head. He grabbed it just as his foot slipped having him hold onto it for dear life. Suddenly there was a loud bang as the doors opened. "shit." Nate muttered as he held on. Nate grabbed his silenced pistol. "There here. Take cover." Nate took aim and pluged a few shots in one agent who never saw it coming. The other agent going down just as quickly when he moved for cover.

Suddenly there was a loud CRACK as the figure head jolted down due to the wait of Nate hanging on. Nate tried to hang on but failed when it finally cracked apart falling down. Nate fell and landed flat on his back groaning in pain when the rest of the figure head crashed down in front of him. he sat up trying to ignore the pain during the rain of gunfire when he looked in front of him. He was confused at first but the quickly realized that was what he was looking for. He Grabbed it and made a mad dash for cover behind the column. He looked behind real quick and then unfolded the old paper. Looking at it really quick he figured it out to be a map. "My God... I was right. He went to Arabia!"

"Mate, we could use a little help here." Cutter says from the background.

Sully could be heard shouting "Come on Nate, Let's go!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

Nate puts a few shots in. "Grab the Journal and the Cipher disk."

Cutter grabs them then checks his gun. "We're running out of ammo."

Sully grabs a pistol from a downed agent from earlier. "Grab their weapons."

"Got it."

Nate rushes one last agent and throws an uppercut that knocks him out in one punch. Grabbing the agents .45 Defender from the air. "Let's Go."

They run through the doors the agents ran through to find even more tunnels. The trio running through the entire underground tunnels fighting off more and more agents until they turn into an old abandoned subway station. After fighting a few more agents, they ran up the stairs.

"Chloe can you read me?" Cutter said into his radio. "We're coming up the old North Alwood Station. We got no time to explain - We've got company." He finished grabbing his gun again.

They fight a few more agents but they know a lot more are on the way. Nate rounds the corner to find Sully and Charlie having trouble opening a gate. "Bullocks. BULLOCKS!" Charlie curses shaking the gate.

"Back up, back up." Nate shouts aiming his gun at the lock. Firing a few shots the lock comes off. They open the gate and then Crash through the wood barrier bringing them outside. They turn and fire a few more rounds at the agents right behind them. One Agent goes down before they can shoot. They turn to find Chloe with a smoking gun in her hand. "Come on!" she shouts.

The trio runs for the back of the van while Nate shoots down another agent. "Get in!" He shouts. More shots are fired in all directions it seems like. "GO, GO!" He shouts. Sully grabs him and pulls him in while closing the door. The van then speeds off with all four accounted for while the agents get left behind in the dust.


When the last part of the memory played the screen showing it faded to black. "Sir." One of the scientists spoke. "It seems the memory has been played to completion. Shall I wake up the subject?" He spoke giving a salute.

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