Meeting Him <3

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Lexi's P.O.V.

I got my bag and shoved all my clothes I'm it. Then I went to the closet and got all my makeup and band bracelets. As I got my shoes, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I thought it would be my friend to say bye but I was wrong. It was a boy. My idol. Matthew Espinosa!

"My dad wanted me to help you with your bags. Do you need any help?" He asked awkwardly.      

"Um no. I think I got it."

I was trying my best to stay calm. But I was exploding on the inside. His voice was just amazing. And HE was amazing!!!

  I took a last look at my room before I steeped out. Before I left, I had to say bye to Bridget, my best friend.

"I'm leaving."

  "What?" She asked in shock.

"I got adopted this morning after..."  I didn't tell her ever about the torture because she was to young. "After breakfast." I said.

   "Oh. By who?"

 "Matthew Espinosa!"  He heard me because he came to the door and said "yah?"

   "Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! Congrats!!"

"Ha ha. Thanks. I gotta go. I'll text you tonight." I went over to her and gave her a hug.

   "Love you."

 "Love you too!"

    And I left.  I was embarrassed from yelling Matt's name so loud, but he didn't seem to care.  When we got downstairs, Ms. Cambridge was standing in the doorway talking to "Mr. Espinosa". I slowly made my way out the door and went to the car with Matthew. He opened the door for me. What a gentleman!

  "Thanks." I said, trying not to sound to impressed.

 He nodded and got in the other side next to me. It was an awkward silence for a while, but he cut it.

 "So, what's your favorite color?"


    "Nice. Same here. I also like Pink!"

 "Ha ha. I know. I watch your vines and YouTube videos all the time. You're pretty awesome."

  "I know. I can tell I'm your idol."

   "What makes you so sure you're my idol?" I asked.

"Well look at you. You haven't stopped staring at me since I first saw you."

   That was true. He is just so damn cute. But I knew I had to stop being creepy. So I put my headphones in and blared SWS.  His parents soon came and started the car. Before they took off, his mom asked me a question.

 "Well it is very nice to meet you Lexi. I'm so sorry she did that cruel stuff to you."

  "Cute name." Matt mumbled under his breath, but I heard.

I blushed red, but I managed to reply to his mom.

   "No it's fine. I'm used to it."

"Well, make yourself comfortable as best as possible. Ask Mike or I any questions if you need to. I'm Sarah."

   "Okay thank you." I said. I turned back on my music and laid my head back. Oh my god! My cuts hurt sooo bad. I managed to get a bandage out of my bag without anyone noticing, and wrapped it around my stomach. I'm guessing it was easy to see that I was struggling because Matt asked,

   "Do you need some help?"

"Yeah. I can't get this gauze to stay tight."

   "Here, turn to the side, so your back is facing me."

I had to show him my back, which was uncomfortable. I turned my body and he took the bandage. he tightly wrapped the gauze around my back, then handed it to me. I would wrap my stomach, and he'd wrap my back.

 "It's not gonna wrap again. Now what?'

   "Okay now..."  I reached down to get a safety pin. "You take this, and pin it into the rest. It should stay then."

"K...."      "Ouch! Dang it. I poked myself in the finger."

  "Sorry. It happens a lot. Here."  I got him a band-aid.

"Gees Thanks. You have a mini hospital in that bag."

  "Well, it's better to be safe than sorry.'

"That's right." He said.  

  After he finally got the pin in, I turned back around and got settled. By settled, I had my pillow propped up on the window, and my feet on Matthew's thighs. He glanced over. I just smiled and looked away. In the corner of my eye, I saw him return the smile. He's so cute.  I heard it was a 2 and a half hour drive home, so I layed my head back and fell asleep......


(A/N)  Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my story so far! It's my first one so I hope it's good!! Comment if you like it <3  Stay beautiful!!

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