Chapter 4

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As we walk through the hallway, I automatically spot out an exit which I can get to...if I fight men armed with guns and just simply make a run for it.

Landon takes me back to the glass-walled room I originally woke up in and has me sit down at the edge of the bed. The doctor is about to stick a needle in my arm to draw blood when I plant my feet on his chest and push him backwards before I can think twice about it.

Before the doctor has a chance to get up I leap to my feet, turn to Landon, and zap him.

Apparently the amount of electricity was too much for him, because he stumbles backwards and crashes into a few pieces of medical equipment. He grabs his gun and picks himself back up automatically. He aims the gun at me and shoots at me. I turn and run, crashing through the glass walls and running down the hallway we came.

"Get her! Get her!" Landon shouts to the guards, his voice sounding panicked. The guards aim their guns at me and shoot. I continue running. "She can't escape! She can't-!"

He's interrupted when I burst through the door and find myself in a garage full of cars and a few motorcycles.

Well this wasn't the exit I was expecting.

But this is a garage full of cars...

I turn quickly and block the door as best I can by quickly shoving unused car parts in front of the door before running to the closest car, pulling open the door which, fortunately for me, is already unlocked.

No keys.

Then again, I now know how to hijack a car. Being with Erik for a little less than a year actually helped me, learning things that might come for future use-like hijacking a car when needing to escape a crazy American general and his men.

The engine starts and I look ahead of me at the solid wall.

Better make this count.

I put the car into gear, step on the gas as hard as I can, and the car lurches forward. I duck down once it crashes through the thin wood which was once the garage door and now a big hole in the wall.

Luckily I'm already on a road, and I continue driving. I glance back and see the men getting in cars and motorcycles and heading after me.

Why didn't I grab a motorcycle? That would've been much faster.

I focus back on the road just in time to make a hard turn and avoid a canyon down below and then I realize what the landscape is like.

Rolling green hills and fields dotted with flowers. Nearly each hill is steep and divided by thin rivers which weave their way in between hills and connect together again, only to split apart a few meters away. The road I drive on is a washboard type of road, made out of a combination of dirt and gravel. The road is full of potholes and giant rocks randomly placed in the middle of the road. I know the road I'm driving on is just dug out a hill.

I glance back again and see the motorcyclists not far behind me, catching up quickly.

I'm coming up on another turn, and the road is just a couple feet away from the edge. After the edge it drops off into a hill which is nearly vertical and remains that way all the way until the river at the bottom. A couple of trees thick with leaves stick out of the hill by the turn.

I have no choice, or else they're going to catch me...again.

I press harder on the gas, swing open the door closest to the edge, and drive off the road. I leap out of the car as it is airborne, pushing off the seat and springing towards a nearby tree branch. My hands grasp the thick, strong branch covered over the top with leaves.

When I grasp the branch the rest of my body swings up in the air, not expecting to stop all of a sudden. I use that momentum to bring my legs up and around the branch. Now I'm hanging horizontally, my hands clinging on to the rough bark of the branch and my legs wrapped around the branch to keep my from falling if my grip loosens.

Luckily the leaves cover me so I'm hidden from view of the men pursuing me. I look down just in time to see the car crash, landing upside down, the front of it in the shallow water among the rocks and the back of it tilted up and leaned against the rocks and grass and dirt.

I look back up when I see the motorcyclists and not long after the cars stop short. Through the small gaps in the leaves, which only I can see through since I'm close enough to them and the others too far away, I see each man looking down at the car. One of them curses.

"She's probably dead. No one could have survived that fall." A man who's leaning out of the car to look down at the wreck below says.

"She could." A motorcyclist says.

"No. No one would have been able to survive that, immortal or not." The man argues back.

"Landon's going to kill us." Another man says.

"Of course he is. But we'll just find someone else like her."

"There isn't anyone else like her! She was the only one who was different of all the mutants!"

"Arnold Aston was."

"He's dead! We need someone alive for this! How do you expect a dead man to complete the different tests? Even if we didn't need someone alive we couldn't use him because he was cremated-remember? Besides, he couldn't change his hair or clothing like she could and that was part of a test which she didn't even get to."

"And remember that Arnold Aston was the one who designed the tests specifically for her? Landon just wanted to see the tests for himself since there was no footage when she was doing only two of the fifteen of them before leaving."

Fifteen different tests regarding my powers? At least I only did two when Aston was alive and held me captive.

"We need to get back to Landon." One of the men says. "And tell him the good news." He adds sarcastically.

Then the men driving the cars somehow manage to turn their vehicles around so they don't fall off the edge and drive back the way they came, the motorcyclists following them.

How did they know of Aston and his tests?

It doesn't matter right now. I have to go, away from here, wherever "here" is. I have to run. Maybe I'll try and find Erik.

I let go of the branch with my legs and swing off of it. I bend my knees when I hit the ground fifteen feet below and do a couple somersaults before leaping up on my feet and take off running as fast as I can. I leap over the thin river and successfully land on the other side still of my feet. I continue running, around the steepest part of the hill on the other side of the river. When I get around the hill I see that the rest of the landscape ahead of me is mostly flat and green fields now, barely any hills. Any hills that are there are barely anything and not steep at all.

It's just a couple hours after 12:00. I know this because of the height of the sun and the angle of my shadow on the ground.

I keep running, not yet exhausted. The advantage of having speed as your mutation is that you don't get as tired as easy. If I run two miles as fast as I can, I'm not breathless and don't have a cramp unlike someone who's simply human and ran two miles as fast as they could like me.

I have no idea where Charles is, probably at his mansion in New York. Raven is most likely with Erik, and I have a feeling where to find them. Erik was talking about heading over to Ireland again, right before I was captured in Maine, when he deserted me.

I'm confused as to why he just abandoned me out of the blue like that. He said before, when he was helping me find Aston, that he would protect me. Me and Raven, that we were the most important people in his life. Surely he couldn't have turned me over to Landon just to save his own ass.


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