Chapter 12

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I see his eyes snap open and he breaks through the water and standing upright, screaming.

Nearly everyone in the room pulls out their guns and start shooting at him.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I yell at Stryker over the gunfire. "Erase his memory?!" I repeat.

He heaves a sigh, pulls out a gun, and shoots at me, the bullet grazing my arm. I leap over the railing and bend my knees when I land. I stand upright and see that Logan is just about to slash his metal claws through the wall. I clutch my arm as another bulllet grazes it, blood on my hands. The wound quickly heals up and I run after him right when Logan breaks through the wall.

He's just a few yards away from the edge. I run up to him and grab his wrist.

"We have to go!" I shout to him, my voice slightly hoarse as more people fire their guns at us. "There's only one way." I gesture to the drop off.

"What?! Hell no!"

"Logan, trust me, it's the only way if you want to live to kill Victor!"

"Why should I trust you? You're working with Stry-"

"No, I'm not! He dragged me into this mess. Logan, we have to-"

I'm cut short when one person manages to burst through wall.

Agent Zero. Of course.

"Come on, Logan!" I say to him, then a split second later I turn and dive off the drop off right when Zero starts shooting at us.

I look down at the water, which is coming closer and closer. Before I know it I'm engulfed in dark blue water, white water pounding on the surface above me. Soon I see Logan's figure crash into the water not far away from me as the current sweeps the both of us away but still keeping me under the surface. I nearly suffocate from lack of air.

Not long after, we both get out of the water and onto the wet, sandy shore.

"You okay?" Logan says to me.

I nod, collapsing on my stomach on the sand, breathing heavily from being held underwater that long. I roll on my back.

I look over at him and see he's standing up straight.

"First of all, put on some pants." I say, and make a pair of pants appear on him.

"Tell me how you just survived that fall." He demands after recovering from the surprise of pants magically appearing on him.

"What?" I sit up and look up at him.

"No human could've survived that." He says.

Well that is true; I'm not human. I'm sort of a mutant. Yes, running fast is my mutation, but the rest of me is...well, not part of my mutation.

"What are you?" He demands. "What's your mutation? Living forever?"

"I'm not exactly a mutant." I answer quietly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He demands, picking me up by my jacket. "What are you if you're not a mutant?"

"Let go of me and I'll tell you."

"Don't play games with me, girl." He says, then holds his fist in front of my neck. His claws grow out until they're pressing into my neck. I tilt my head back some to keep the sharp points from cutting my skin, still locking eyes with him. "What are you?" He demands again.

I make my jacket disappear so he's not holding on to me anymore. I fall to the ground and roll away from him before standing up and looking at him again.

"What the-?" He looks at me. "How did you-?"

I look over his shoulder at the top of the waterfall a little less than half a football field away. There I see the figure of a man, who's not Agent Zero, looking at us from right next to the top of the water. I see him loading a very big gun. I'm not quite sure what type of gun it is from this distance, but I know I don't want to find out the hard way.

"We have to go." I say, looking back at Logan. "If you don't want the bullet from a giant gun in you."

I turn and start to run.

"Hey!" He shouts, and before I can pick up speed Logan grabs my arm. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He demands.

"Logan," I look over his shoulder again and then back at him. "We have to g-!"

The man fires the gun and the bullet hits me in the side, then the kneecap, then my shoulder. I cry out and crumple to the ground, my breathing starting to be fast and shallow. I look up at the man who fired the shotgun, make a gun appear in my hand with the shoulder that's not wounded, and aim the gun at him, my hand shaking. I pull the trigger and the bullet hits the man in the shoulder. I fire again and I see it hit his heart. One more shot and it hits his head.

If I were under different circumstances, I would be thrilled at my kill shots.

I let my arm fall to the ground and the gun disappears. Logan crouches down next to me as the man falls into the waterfall.

"Oh my God...!" He says, looking at the wounds.

"'s fine..." I manage weakly through the pain.

"How is it fine?! You're gonna di-!" He stops short when he sees the wounds healing back up one by one. I wince as each wound seals up, and after about five minutes each wound is healed up. The scars starting to disappear. I pick myself up and look at Logan, who's still wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

"Oh please, it's not a big surprise." I say with no enthusiasm. "You saw me survive that drop from the waterfall."

"You were just-!"

"Logan," I take a deep breath. "I'm not exactly like you."

"Oh, you think? You just made that jacket go away and a gun appear in your hand!"

"We'll talk about this somewhere else. Right now we have to run."

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