Chapter 6

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I slowly open my eyes, blinking in the bright light.

I hear a slow monotone beeping every few seconds.

Where am I?

My eyes finally adjust and I find I'm in a hospital room, the beeping coming from a machine to my right telling of my heart rate.

Somehow everything seems...different.

The machine and the bed I'm in isn't the kind of technology I'm used to, it seems more...advanced than technology in 1963.

A door to my right bursts open and in walks a man definitely from the military.

"My name is Colonel William Stryker. I'm going to say this right to the point; you've been in a coma for a little bit over 40 years. You've missed quite a lot and I don't have a lot of time to bring you up to speed. You're still guilty of killing two agents in action back in 1963 and still a suspect of being involved in the JFK assassination of November 22, 1963 in Texas. Considering you are associated with Erik Lensherr are you not?"

He speaks so quickly I barely understand him.

"40 years...? JFK was...assassinated....?" I say in disbelief.

"Yes, 40 years, do you speak English or are you deaf?"

"No, I do, and I'm not deaf, but-"

"Then shut up if you understood."

"Colonel, with all due respect, my last memory is being hit by a car and now I've just woken up. You can't expect me to take in all that information that quickly."

"Yes I can. You're not human are you?"

I remain silent.

"Then you should be able to handle the information. Now get up."

He starts walking back to the door and I sit up.

"And why do you think I'd go with you?"

"Because there are men coming from the CIA about to try and kill you-again. I can't stop them this time."

"You mean you have in the past?"

"I've kept everyone from pulling the plug all the while you were in a coma." He narrows his dark eyes at me. "How do you think you're still here? If you want to live any further, come with me."

He walks out the door and I reluctantly take the wires out of my arms and follow him.

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