Chapter 5

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I've spent nearly a week in New York City, and it's been two weeks since I escaped Landon and his men in Maine.

All I have to do now is continue hiding from anyone who looks somewhat suspicious and might be from the US Government, and catch a flight to Ireland even though I don't have that much money to spend.

Of course I would be in Dublin right now if I had my wings...

Why didn't I let that selfish jerk die with everyone else on that plane and just continue on through the storm by myself? I wouldn't be having this problem right now and I could probably be leading a normal life as much as I can.

I can't think about this right now, I've been obsessing over it too much. I just have to cross this street and head into that Starbucks on the corner to see whether or not that man in the black suit and tie with short, sleeked back dark brown hair, cold eyes, and dark brown briefcase follows me in there.

Hopefully I'm wrong.

The light turns green, and I'm engulfed once again in a swarm of people making their way across the street. I walk along with them and slip inside the Starbucks.

Sure enough, I see the man follow me out of my peripheral vision and I glance back to see him staring at me with his cold dark eyes. He looks away a second after I look at him and he glances in the direction of another man with the same kind of eyes and short light blonde hair, who nods back at him.

I turn back and head towards the bathroom. I enter a small hallway with three doors, two of them the bathrooms, and the last one at the end labeled as EMPLOYEES ONLY.

I enter through that one, luckily it's empty and I find another door at the end of the room with EXIT labeled above it. I rush across the room and burst through the door, finding myself in an alley. I look right and left and then turn back when I hear a door open. I see the second man, the one with blonde hair, see me through the closing door. He quickly takes out a phone and holds it to his ear.

I turn towards the street not far away from me and start to run.

"Hey!" I hear him shout, then say into his phone. "She's out and running towards the street-get out here now!"

Moments later I see the other man run into the alley from the street, somehow barely turning any heads from passing pedestrians. The other man is carrying the briefcase and stops just a few yards away from me. The man behind me grabs my black jacket sleeve, pulling me back as the other man opens up the briefcase. Inside the briefcase is a single syringe with some kind of liquid inside, next to the syringe is a gun.

I twist in the jacket and free myself, the only thing left is the jacket in the man's hands. I turn to the other man and kick him in the chest, knocking him over. The syringe falls on the pavement and I stomp on it as I run by, the contents of the syringe leak out of their broken container and seep in between the cracks of the ground. I turn towards the man on the ground and a bolt of electricity shoots out of my fingertips and hits him in the heart. The man crumples to the ground and before I can react I see the man who I hadn't kicked toss my jacket on the ground, grab the gun from the case, and continue to chase me.

Instantly I'm swarmed by a large crowd and I wade through each person, glancing back every so often at the man, who follows, keeping his eyes on me. Finally he loses patience and shoves people to the side, clearing a path for himself and coming faster now.

I turn back again and shove a couple people to the side and make it onto the crosswalk as people start to cross. I run across the crosswalk and run on the side of the street to avoid the crowd of people.

"Out of the way!" I cry out to people who are walking in front of me to get inside their cars. They all give me questioning looks and a few of them cry out when they see the man with the gun chasing me just a few meters away.

He shoots a couple bullets and I duck down behind a car for a second before continuing to run. I turn back to him and my hand flies in his direction. Right then, in a blink of an eye, a bolt of electricity shoots from my fingertips again and I see the man crumple to the ground. I don't bother to see whether or not he's picking himself up from the ground after being shocked by electricity. I have a bad feeling the man is still alive and I just turn around and run again.

After a few sharp turns I find another crosswalk. Everyone is waiting on the side, waiting for their turn to cross. I don't see any cars coming that way at the moment, and my life is in danger. I know I'm putting my life in danger crossing that street when I'm not supposed to, but I have no choice.

Luckily, right when I reach the crosswalk, everybody else starts moving across, and I know I'm allowed to cross without getting hit by a car.

I run ahead of the crowd as they begin to cross the street and then, when I'm in the middle of the crosswalk I hear a screech of tires and I turn just in time to see the car beginning to screech to a stop at the last possible second.

Before I can jump out of the way of the car something hits me hard and I spin in the air like a rag doll before landing in front of the car.

Upon impact with the ground, everything's black.

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