Concert Tickets - Lee Changsub X Male! Reader (BTOB)

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Requested by sugas-bed

*Changsub's POV*

"Eunkwang! Look!" Eunkwang glanced up from his phone as I collapsed on the couch next to him. "What is it, Changsub?" "Tickets! Concert tickets! Y/N's concert tickets!

He's going on tour! We need to get tickets! They go on sale in 30 minutes! I've camping out of this site all day so I could get first row tickets!"

Eunkwang smiled at me. "That's cool, Changsub. You must really like this guy if you're willing to wait almost a whole day for tickets." "You have no idea!

I've been supporting Y/N ever since pre-debut. He's so talented and amazing! His voice is so soothing. I love him so much." "Would you ever consider trying to meet him?"

My eyes went wide. "Are you kidding me? It would be a dream come true. To stand in the same room with him is an honor on its own."

Eunkwang chuckled, "What would you say to him?" "What is there not to say to him? I'd tell him how much his music inspires me and how much I love him. I could go on and on."

"I can see that." "Only 20 minutes left!" "Is he going to be doing a fan meeting?" "I'm not sure. The company hasn't said anything about one.

It would be amazing if he did though. God, could you imagine it, meeting the Y/N. I would have myself believing it was all a dream."

*Time skip*

I was rushing around my room making sure I had everything that I needed for tonight. Just my luck, I was able to get first row seats right in the center of the stage.

I was beyond excited. Once I knew that I had everything, I grabbed my face mask and bolted for the front door. Before I could open it and take off, Eunkwang stopped me.

"Changsub, I think you're forgetting something." "I am not! I have everything. I'm ready."

He suddenly pulled out some sort of pass from out of his back pocket and handed it to me. "I think you'll be needing this." "This is...a backstage pass?! How did you?!"

"I'm actually friends with Y/N and I was talking to him last night. I told him what a big fan you are and he had his company send me this for you."

I ran over and hugged Eunkwang. "You're the best, thank you so much!" With that I placed the pass around my neck and ran out of the dorm.

Once at the venue itself, I felt myself relax. This was it. I was finally going to see Y/N in person.

I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and was met by a wide eyed girl. "I'm sorry to bother you, but are you Changsub from BTOB?"

"Um...yeah." The girl gasped somewhat in a dramatic manner. "Oh my god, I'm such a big fan! Can I get a photo with you?!"

"Yeah, sure. I don't see why not." Before I knew it there was a large crowd around me. One photo turned into many.

The flashing of the camera lights were blinding. It made my eyes hurt. The yelling and fans talking over one and another started to give me a headache.

I was then suddenly pulled out of the middle of the crowd. I found myself being hugged tightly, as if whoever yanked me out of the crowd was trying to protect me. All the girls fell silent then, without warning, squealed.

"Y/N! I love you so much!!" That's when I realized that I was in the arms of the Y/N. My idol. Though I couldn't see his face I could hear his voice.

"I love you guys too. I have to go now. I've been waiting for you forever, Changsub. Come on we need to get you ready for the performance. Bye for now girls."

Once I could no longer hear the girls I lifted my head off Y/N's chest. I looked up at him and let out a sigh. He was even more beautiful in person.

He glanced at me before taking my hand in his. "Come on. We need to get inside before anyone else finds out you're here."

We quickly ran to the door leading into the venue. Once inside we both walked back to his dressing room and both collapsed on the couch.

We were both panting, trying to catch our breathes from outrunning all of our fans. He got up and walked over to the mini fridge, he threw me a water bottle with a smile. "I'm so sorry that happened."

"It's not your fault. You have no control over how the fans act. It's just part of being an idol." "Amen. I'm Y/N by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm a big fan of your work." "So I've heard." I nodded. "Yes. I've been a fan since your pre-debut. Your amazing voice and skills caught my eye and here we are today."

He smiled at me. "Well, thank you. I'm really surprised that someone, like you, has been support my work and myself for as long as you have."

I tilted my head a bit to the left. "Why are you surprised?" He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"Because, you were the inspiration for a lot of my music. I look up to you. I listen to your music when I'm feeling discouraged or upset about anything.

Hell, I've been supporting BTOB since pre-debut. You were, as the fans call it, my first bias. You still are my bias."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you. I'm truly honored." "The honor is all mine. I never thought I'd get to meet my first ever crush." "What?" Y/N gasped and quickly covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry...that just slipped out." It was taking me a second to process what I had just heard him say. "I was your first crush? Me? Of all the people in the"

He just nodded. "Yes, you. You're perfect. I love you. You're the only one who was ever able to make me smile.

And now that we've finally met, I can confirm that these feelings I have for you are the real thing." I was stunned. My idol. The man I had been supporting since the very beginning.

A popular worldwide idol. He liked me. No, he loved me. He wants to be with me. "Yes." Y/N gave me a confused look.

"Yes? Yes, what?" "Yes! I want to date you. I feel the same way about you. I want to be with you too."

"Really?!" Yes!" Y/N suddenly jumped onto my lap and hugged me. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and mouthed into the kiss, "I love you."

I just smiled and mouthed back, "I love you too." Suddenly the door was thrown open. A stage hand came barging in and yelled. "Y/N, you're on in three! Please be-!"

He stared at the two of us. Shocked riddled his face, but was quickly overshadowed by a blush.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you were..." Y/N just waved at the stage hand. "It's fine. Just knock next time."

The stage hand exited the room as Y/N got off of me. "I guess, I should get going. Can't keep the fans waiting."

I kissed Y/N's lips once more. "Knock them dead, babe." He just gave me his famous cute smile. "Trust me, I will."


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