Love Me Back - V/Kim Taehyung X Male! Reader (BTS)

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*Y/N's POV*

"Namjoon!" I waved wildly as I ran over to the boy with the light purple hair. "Hey Y/N. It's been awhile hasn't it?" I just smiled at him. "Yeah, it has been a long time since I last saw. I missed you a lot."

He chuckled, "I missed seeing you as well. How has your studying aboard been going?" I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, "Pretty well, I guess. Nothing special." "Fair enough. I take you were able to find a hotel?"

"Yeah, I was. It's actually not too far from here." Namjoon smiled, "That's good. Hey, I was wondering if you want to accompany me back to the dorm where I live. You can see the rest of the guys as well. They're dying to see you again."

"Yeah sure. I've got nothing else to do today so I don't see why not." "Alright, ready to go?" I smiled and sighed. Damn it's been so long since I've seen Namjoon and the rest of the guys. "Yeah, I'm ready."

*Time skip*

Once at the dorm, I was greeted at the door by Jimin, Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook. They were all so happy to see me and I was happy to see them. I turned to Jin and ask, "Where's Taehyung?"

Jin just shrugged, "Don't know. He went out shopping earlier., but he's still not back yet." Jungkook then cut in, "Maybe he got kidnapped." "Nah, no one would kidnap him. He's too loud. He'd probably just annoy his kidnapper until they let him go," Jimin laughed.

I just sighed in relief, "Well, as long as he isn't here at the moment, then everything is okay." And just at that second, Taehyung suddenly waltzed through the door like he owned the damn place.

"Guys, I'm back." Fuck. That was Taehyung's voice. I felt my heartrate go up immediately. Hoseok yelled, "Tae come into the living room! We have a little surprise for you!" Taehyung walked into the living room to see his friends and I sitting together on their over sized couch.

Taehyung froze. A small smile slowly made its way onto his face. "Y/N. You came back." Taehyung gestured toward himself. "Come here. I want to say hello to you and give you a hug." I didn't move from my spot on the couch.

Taehyung took a step toward the couch. Something in me caused me to hide behind Jimin and latch onto his arm. Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks. "Y/N, is something wrong? Did I do something?" Namjoon turned to Tae and smiled. "You didn't do anything wrong, Tae. Y/N just has a crush on you and just gets nervous anytime you're around."

I turned to face Namjoon and yelled at him, "I do not have a crush on Tae! He is always teasing me and pushing me around! I hate him! If anything I'm attracted to Jimin. He's always so kind and caring toward me. I feel safe with I'm with him."

It took me a brief second to remember that Taehyung was only standing inches away from me. I looked back at him and my heart just broke. In all true honesty, I did have a small crush on Tae, but I was too scared to ever express any type of feelings toward him.

"I... I have to go." I felt tears pool up in my eyes as I got up from the couch and pushed past Tae. I was so close to the door, but before I could get my hand around the doorknob, Tae grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back to him.

I tried to struggle free. "Let me go, Tae!" "No not until I talk to you. Privately." I yelled back at him, "No! I don't want to talk to you! Now let me go!" Tae picked me up and dragged me upstairs to his room.

Once inside, he placed me on his bed and shut the door. "Taehyung, let me go back to my hotel! Please. I don't want to be around you right now!" Tae sat down next to me on his bed and tried to get me to face him.

"Please tell me why you don't like me. I'm funny, always happy, playful, and lovable! How could you not like me?!" Taehyung started to cry as he screamed at me, "Why don't you love me?! I want someone to love me! I love you, but why won't you return my feelings?! What am I doing wrong? Tell me!"

At this point Taehyung was full on crying. "Tae, just stop." "Please Y/N. Love me. I love you, now just tell me that you love me too. Say it. Now." "You need to just calm down." He shook his head no rapidly.

"Not until you say it. Say it now or I'll... I'll..." The next thing I knew Taehyung's hands were around my neck. "Tae, stop." "Please just love me. I love you. Please love me back." Tae released my neck from his grip and collapsed onto my chest.

He cried and cried as he tightly gripped my sides tightly. "Taehyung..." "Y/N, please." I sighed heavily and started to ran my hand through his brown hair gently. "I need you to calm down before you talk to me, okay?" Tae looked up at me and nodded.

After a couple minutes Taehyung was able to recompose himself and speak in clear sentences. "Y/N, I love you. More than anyone or anything. I just want you to love me in that same way." "I already do." Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. "What really?!"

I nodded. Taehyung looked like he was about to start crying again. "Taehyung, why didn't you confess sooner?" "I was so scared that you were in love with some girl.

I wanted to confess to you before you left to study aboard, but I never got my chance. Then today when you suddenly lashed out saying that you hated me and wanted to be with Jimin, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell you how I truly felt before I lost you forever."

"I never wanted to be with anyone else but you." Taehyung smiled as he hugged me tightly. "We can't go public with our relationship yet okay? I don't know how the fans will react and the last thing I want to see is you getting threatened and hurt."

I nodded, "Okay. I understand and I respect your choice." Taehyung gently placed his lips on mine and kissed me. I smiled against his lips as I kissed back. Though it was a weird way to find out that Taehyung liked me the same way I liked him. And it took almost 19 years. It was the worth the wait.


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