Most Prized Possession - Park Jimin X Male! Reader (1/2) (BTS)

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Requested by Kookie0858

*Y/N's POV*

I had the tendency to end up in some strange places. But, it came with the territory. I am one of the world's richest men. I put Bill Gates to shame.

Women wanted me. Men envied me. And I wasn't ever planning on finding a lover. I was happy with what I had. I see no need to add another variable. I spent my time and money in a variety of different ways.

High end clubs and expensive alcohol were the only things the public knew that I spend my money on. But, the things I really enjoyed spending my money on were a little more high risk.

I gambled on the daily. Every night and any night I got the chance. The prizes for winning were of equal value depending on the game. Sometimes it was small stuff, drugs, more money, small fish in my eyes.

I liked playing for bigger more worth while prizes. Whole companies, private jets, mansions, servants, and other shit like that. I loved it.

I loved the rush I got when I came so close to losing, but then just as it looked as if I was fucked I'd pull through and win it all. Winning servants were always fun for me. They're actually more like personal sex slaves or house pets.

They had to do whatever their handier says and they aren't allowed to protest or fight against us. I had won some, but none of them have been able to please me. So I ended up just deposing of them.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous Y/N." I looked up from the drink in my hand. There in front of me stood a man. He looked to be a bit older than me. He had short light brown hair, under certain lighting, his hair looked green.

"Yes, it is me. And you are?" The man took my hand in his and kissed the back of it. "Kim Namjoon. I'm the owner of the club, Pink Mon." I knew him.

He hosted a poker torment a couple of months back. I won of course. I gained two jets and four companies that night. And he ws also hosting tonight's game.

"Well, it's nice to officially meet you Mr. Kim." He gave a sly smile, "The pleasure is all mine. And please, call me Namjoon." Namjoon took a seat next to me. He ordered drink and the two of us just talked.

"Y/N, I have something I want to preview for you tonight." I eyed him suspiciously. "What do you mean?" Namjoon didn't respond. He got up and started to walk away. I hopped up out of my seat and quickly followed him.

He led me behind the stage, where our entertainment for the night was already performing. Once backstage he took me to a separate room with a locked door and two security guards.

I had no idea what was in this room, but whatever it was it must be worth something. Once Namjoon unlocked the door, he stood aside and gestured into the room, "After you, my fine sir."

I walked inside cautiously, still not knowing what was going on. I heard the door close behind me. Namjoon then reappeared in front of me with a wide smile on his face.

In the middle of the room there was a huge cube shaped object under a velvet red sheet. Another four security guards stood in each corner of the room. "What is that?" Namjoon walked over to the side of object and placed his hand on the sheet.

"This is the prize for the winner of tonight's game." "And why are you showing me," I questioned him. Again, he smiled. Not at me this time, but at the object. "Because I thought you could use a little motivation."

I watched as Namjoon removed the sheet to reveal a large cage. Inside that cage wasn't some exotic animal. It was a person. It was a boy. He was wearing a red collar, black dress pants, and no shirt.

His hair was silver. It shined when the single light inside the room hit it. The boy was skinny and shaking as he lay there on the dirty floor inside the cage. I approached the cage slowly and reached out to touch the bars, but Namjoon stopped me.

"I wouldn't get too close. He's been acting up lately." I started to walk the perimeter of the cage, examining the boy inside. I was intrigued and Namjoon took notice of this. "You like what you see, I take it?"

"Who is he?" "His name is Park Jimin. I picked him up off the streets a couple years back. He then started working at a couple of my clubs as a pole dancer.

From that he gained a lot of popularly with my regulars and soon enough people were lining up to get a piece of that sweet ass of his." My eyes quickly glanced over. Damn, he was right. It was pretty sweet. Nicer then any ass I've ever seen.

"How old is he?" "As of now, twenty four. He was sixteen when I first found him. And that's how old he was when he got some." So he was a prostitute.

"He was my best one. Made me tons of cash. Never disobeyed. Never caused any trouble." "So why put him up as a prize?" Namjoon sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Like I said before, lately he's been a bit testy. He stopped wanting to go on stage. Anytime a paying customer tried to get what they payed for he start crying and screaming.

He started to drive away customers. So, I decided it was finally time to get rid of him. Give him to someone else. Someone who can control him better and remind him of where he belongs."

I stopped and leaned down right in front of Jimin. He was looking at the floor, so all I could see was the top of his head. "Hey there, little guy."

He didn't look up. Namjoon's fist suddenly collided with the bars on the cage. "Face up, buttercup! You have an interested visitor. Show him what a pretty face you have." Jimin slowly lifted his head off the ground to look at me.

When our eyes met I was stunned. He had a black eye and a bit of blood running down the corner of his mouth. His eyes were grey like his hair, but they were practically lifeless. His cheeks were slightly sunk in, a sign of malnutrition.

"Oh my god." "You like it? Had to discipline him a couple of times. He refused to get into the cage tonight. But a good beating and some drugs remind him how to be a good boy."

I got up from the floor and walked back over to Namjoon. "I've seen enough." Namjoon grabbed me by my chin forced me to look into his eyes. "Oh, my dear sweet Y/N, you haven't seen anything yet."

To be continued~

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