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Here's another chapter! Enjoy!

Picture at the top is Aurel and Ciprian. You haven't met them yet, but you will. 

For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen:a gaseous nebula must collapse. 

So collapse.


This is not your destruction.

This is your birth.

Why is my head throbbing? Why does everything hurt? I hear a horrific, low, growling sound, and slowly come to realize I made it. Am I moving? Ow! My head hit again against the ground. "Ow." I mumble.

"Holy Fuck." Someone exclaims, and suddenly I'm flung forward, hitting something hard.

"Wha-?" I ask, opening my eyes and rubbing them with the back of my hand. It's bright, and from where I lay I can see the tops of trees out the window of my car. Where am I? How did I get in my car? Suddenly the door behind me opens and I'm yanked roughly by my shoulders out of the car. I try to stand when the person lets go of me, but end up falling, unable to catch myself with my weak legs. What is going on?

The road under me is dirt and littered with potholes. That would explain why my head hurt. It was being bashed against the seats of my car every time we went over a bump. I use my car to stand and finally meet the eyes of the person who stole my car.

A man, probably 6 foot 5 stands in front of me. He isn't skinny, but not large either. Something in the middle. I see muscles, but they aren't overly prominent. His hair is dark, nearly black, but there is an essence of red or brown when the light hits it. He has darker skin, probably Asian or Native American.

Finally my senses come back. "Goliath? Why did you steal my car?" I snap, now fully operational.

His eyes narrow. "You just made a biblical reference? You found out you were kidnapped and you made a reference to the Bible?"

His voice is warm, but has a hard, cold anger to it.

"You kidnapped me. Where the fuck am I?" I manage to lean off the car and stand up, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "You stole my fucking car with me inside?"

"I didn't know you were inside or I would have picked a different car. Now I have to figure out what to do with you." He grimaces.

"Not a very thorough car burglar, huh? What did you drop out of thief school? And I'll tell you what you're going to do with me. Take me home. Or I'll kill you."

He gives a laugh. "No." He reaches forward and grabs my upper arm, but I instinctively throw my other hand up, landing a hard punch on his nose. I yank my arm free and spin, trying to open the front door of the car, but he grabs me by the collar and throws me backward on the ground. Suddenly he's on top of me, pinning my arms down, and I'm more or less helpless. I wince. His hands are gripping my wrists right where I had cut the night before, sending pain through me. He notices the pain, and the dried blood flaking off my arms.

"What the hell?" he mumbles, and removes his right hand from my left.

Muscle memory kicks in and, seeing my chance, I bring my head forward as hard as I can, straight into his nose and face. I use my free left hand to dig into his ribs and bring my leg up shin-first into his groin. Using my body weight, I roll us over, so I'm on top, and then jump up, dashing for my car. I grab the handle and am getting in when I'm grabbed again and lifted into the air by my shirt, which immediately begins to rip. I fall to the ground, my shirt in pieces, still in his grasp. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me to him, crouching with my legs sprawled out, barely sitting up.

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