Spill Your Guts

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Hey y'all sorry it's been a bit since the last update. College is actually killing me. Last night I wrote the end of this part and another one, so I'll be getting the next one up shortly, and I'm working on the one after that now too. Thanks for your patience with me while I finish school and transition into being a real life adult lol.

This Part is a bit longer than normal, so enjoy!


~Don't be scared to change the prince's name in your story~


Water splashing on my face wakes me. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, now staring up at a light-colored marble ceiling. A face appears in my vision.

It can't be.

"Tuwile." I whisper in astonishment. "You're alive?" I sit up, whipping my eyes around to face him, making pain explode in my head.

Memories of him spin through my brain as if my life is flashing before my eyes. Everything we had been through together in that place. The secrets I shared with him. His eventual betrayal. I thought he was killed, but now here he is, in the middle of a werewolf compound.

"Obviously. Now get up. Put this on."

He hands me what looks like a white round tablecloth, and as I let it float to the ground, it was confirmed that it was a round tablecloth with three holes cut in it for my head and arms.

"Take the underwear off and put the dress on." Tuwile commands.

"Uh, no?"

"You can do it on your own or we can do it for you. I'm trying to be kind by letting you do it." He knew everything I had gone through before. He didn't want to send me back to that place in my mind. The place where the monsters hide.

I am horrified. I still love him.

I thought I was over him. We were done, and he had betrayed me on a mission. I hated him.

But now, staring into his beautiful brown face, I know that I love him.

I have bigger problems to worry about.

"What's going on, Tuwile? Why are you here?"

He shakes his head, his long dark hair brushing over his eyes. "Put the dress on. You'll find out soon enough."

Obeying him seems like a better option than not, so I pick up the dress, sliding it over my head, but not removing the underwear set I've been wearing for the past almost week. Dirty underwear is better than no underwear in this place, wherever 'this place' is.

How the hell am I going to get myself out of this one?

"Take the bra off. I'll allow you to keep the panties." Tuwile says, his voice hard. His thick arms cross over his chest, clad in a black long sleeve shirt and black baggy jeans. His feet are hidden in black combat boots with not a speck of dirt on them.

I begrudgingly unhooked my bra and let it fall to the floor, clearly nipping in the thin white tablecloth. "Tell me what's going on."

"You're going to trial." The tall boy turns, motioning for me to follow him. "Alpha De LaLuna decided to let the pack see who you are and condemn you themselves. Most of them don't believe that The Golden Wolf is a human girl."

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