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I wanted nothing but silence

black woods, decay, cold winds

to lie twisted and turned as a serpent

to be in unison with a dying earth

~Segovia Amil

The food stops. It doesn't start again. I can feel myself starving, growing weaker day after day after day.

One day the door opens, blinding me. I can't be sure if it's a hallucination or not, because I once again can't see the person, and I can always see in my hallucinations. The door closes and I hear someone walking to me.

"Hi." Says a boy's voice.

"Are you real?" I ask. "Or are you another hallucination?"

He chuckles. "No, I'm real. I just came to talk. My name's Blaze."


He chuckles again. "You're the Golden Wolf."

A warm feeling swells inside me. I still have an identity. People still know me.

"Apparently I'm pretty famous."

"Yeah. You're good."

I shake my head. "Not anymore. I've been stuck down here in the darkness for so long I think I'm losing my mind." A light chuckle escapes me. "Scratch that; I know I'm losing it."

"It's normal." Blaze says. "Darkness does that."

Suddenly a loud banging comes from the door. .

"Crap. I'm not supposed to be in here. That means people are coming. I got to go. I'll come back." He promises.

"Bye." I say, startled.

The door opens, blinding me again, and then swings shut, encompassing me in darkness once again.

The boy comes back a couple times, but I'm getting weaker, and he can tell. I'm really losing my mind. I keep having hallucinations about Abarron, each slightly different from the last, but nevertheless still the same. I try to ignore them, but I keep having them when Blaze is here, and he gets worried. I soon find it hard to tell if even he was real, so I start ignoring him. I rock back and forth, never quite sure if I'm alone or not. Never quite sure if I'm even alive. Everything is the same. Always the same. 

Half of me, for growth;

The other, for decay

~Segovia Amil

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