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Hey guys! So I just sent out a message to my followers like not even 45 seconds ago that I was going to update tomorrow, but then I got a lot of motivation so here I am updating at 3 a.m. 

With college starting back up again I havent had a lot of free time to upload, so bear with me on that. 

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me!


We are made of all those who have built and broken us.


Time seems to be moving slowly as I make my way into the trees, as if I cant get away from that house fast enough. I know if they catch me they may very easily kill me. A large fern sits as large as a tree in my path, perfect for hiding a golden mask. It seems heavier than it did before, when I wore it proudly to kill. This time it weighs as much as the terror in the pit of my stomach.

I bend down to push the fern out of the way when a twig snaps behind me.

I whip my head around to find the same man from the first attack, the one who attacked me in the basement, the man who knew who I was. "Hello, Golden Wolf."

My heart seems to stop beating, and I clutch the bundle of clothing to my chest. I can feel the hard metal lines on the mask, as well as the knife still in the pocket of the sweatshirt Abarron loaned me. My hand begins to make it's way slowly through the clothes to find the knife.

"All alone out here, huh? Where's your new pack? Were they really stupid enough to let you wander off alone?" He slowly makes his way toward me. His black hair is short, and I can see a scar running down through his right eye.

"Get back. If you know who I am then you know what I can do." I say, my voice loud, calm, and commanding. If I can scare him, he may just turn tail and run.

He barks out a laugh. "I happen to know you're a little out of practice. What's it been? 6 years?"

6 years. 6 years since my life took a U-turn into privileged white girl in a Christian college.

"Time doesn't mean anything if I've kept up with my training." I take a step back, finding my knife and clutching it in my fist, but keeping it hidden.

"Then prove yourself, Golden Wolf. In front of an Alpha." Behind him wolves begin to emerge from the trees. The biggest wolf I'd ever seen appeared, and the man stepped out of the way as the wolf shifted into a fully-clothed man that looked almost exactly like Abarron. "I am Mikkel De LaLuna, Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. You, the Golden Wolf, are hereby charged with the murder of countless pack members, and are sentenced to death, immediate and swift. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

I drop the sweatshirt, the mask still hidden inside, but I clutch the knife in my fist. "Bring it on, Puppy."

"Stop this, this instant!" A voice booms, and Abarron appears, mid shift, and as I watch his human body unfolds, naked. "Father, what are you doing here? We left. You have no business on my land."

The fully clothed man turns toward his son, a disgusted look in his eyes. "You're not an alpha. You're still just my omega. You're packless."

"I don't have to prove myself to you. Leave her be. She is part of my pack. You know who she is, don't you?"

"Oh I know who she is, but you obviously don't seem to. She's coming with me."

Abarron grabbed my wrist, and yanked me behind him, his foot tapping against the sweatshirt discarded on the ground. My towel drops to the ground.

"I am the future alpha of the Crescent Moon pack, and on my word, I will not let you have her. She doesn't know anything."

"Oh she knows something. She knows a lot more than you know. Hand her over, or I'll take her by force."

"Then I challenge you to-"

"Stop." I yell, pushing Abarron out of the way. "You aren't challenging anything. I suspect challenging someone in werewolf culture ends in a lot of blood. He'd kill you." I say, my voice breaking, my eyes pleading with Abarron. "I can't let that happen. This is my fault."

"This is not your fault, Kaliya." Abarron says, stepping toward me. "None of this is."

"You have no idea who I am." I shake my head as the rest of Abarron's pack emerges from the trees, in wolf form. "I did bad things."

"I don't care. Whatever you did, we can fix it."

My head shakes. "Let them have me. I deserve it. They'll leave you alone."

Fen growls and steps forward, and the twins move behind him. They didn't want me to go either.

Abarron reaches to grab me but a wolf from the other pack snaps at his arm, biting it, and Abarron shifts before my eyes. Snarls erupt as the packs attack eachother, and I jump at Abarron's father, who is still in human form. I dig the knife into his chest, the feeling so similar to when I had done the same thing to so many people before. To my surprise he just glares down at me, his dark brown hair short and shining in the sunlight peeking through the trees. I take my knife out and stab it in again, hoping for a reaction, but still getting none. Faster than I though possible, he suddenly has me by the throat and lifts me off the ground. "Everyone stop!" He bellows, and every wolf in the area freezes.

Blackness swirls in my vision, trying to drown me.

"Please don't hurt her, Father. You know who she is to me." I hear Abarron plead. I have never heard him like that. Pleading. He's always so strong, so cocky. It tore at my insides and suddenly a red hot rage pulses through me, lighting my blood on fire. I let out a sound that I can only describe as a growl, and my hands rip at the skin around the Alpha's wrists. I hear a small bone snap, and he drops me, shaking his hand in annoyance. "Little bitch. Who do you think you are?"

"You know who I am." I flick my hair out of my face and stand as tall as my 5'3 frame would let me. "And you should all be afraid of me."

He grins. "Right. We'll see how frightening you are in about three weeks. Take her." He commands, and suddenly two men are holding my arms and kicking out my legs so I am forced on my knees.

"Abarron, wait!" Petra shouts and Abarron halts his dash toward me, glaring back it her.

"Hold your tongue, Petra. I command you, not the other way around."

"Yes, Alpha, but please. Kallie is right. He'll kill you." She pleaded. "We need you here. We need our Alpha."

"How cute." Mikkel interrupts. "She calls you Alpha."

"They know who I am to them." Abarron replies. "I am their Alpha, and you will not take a member of my pack."

"She isn't even a wolf yet. You haven't done anything to her."

"Leave her be. She doesn't know."

Mikkel laughs. "This conversation isn't going anywhere. Escort them back where they belong. If they don't comply, maim them. Bring the girl." He says nonchalantly.

Wolves move past me and toward Abarron and the others.

"No! Kallie!" I hear Abarron yell, then cry out in pain.

"No! Get away from him!" I scream, breaking away from the men holding me. I turn just in time to see a wolf slash at Abarron's chest and a rush of scarlet blood appear. His black, shocked eyes meet mine as blood flies from his mouth.

Someone is screaming.

It's me.

A sharp pain explodes in the back of my head, and I see sparks, but it all fades away to a deep blackness. 

There is a time for departure, even when there's no certain place to go.

Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm going to bed, Let me know if you find any mistakes and I'll be sure to fix them!



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