chapter three

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Victors POV

This is odd... Shes actually talking to Oli She'd usually be passed out right now. Im really really shocked... i mean damn... this is great shes making a friend. If he hurts her i swear to go I'll get Mike to come and help me beat him up and Kellin because Oliver is like 6'3" and im little but Mike is tall and pretty strong im strong but short... its weird seeing Oliver next to Delilah cause shes only 5'3" he's a whole foot taller its kinda cute but.. SISTERS ARE OFF LIMITS! She's to unstable to be with him anyways.. Since Del took her medicine maybe she'd be ok to go back next door "Delilah do you wanna go back next door you dont have to talk you can stay with Oliver and Copeland " she nods hesitantly but agrees she stands up with Oli and we all go next door she looks panicked but keeps it in and scoops up Copeland while sitting next to Oliver and Cope starts starts playing with Dels hair giggling..

Delilah POV

Oliver is different i dont know how but he actually got me to befriend him and not be scared its weird... He is also HOT. Copeland is playing with my hair giggling and i cant help but smile "You have a beautiful smile" Oli whispers is my ear sending shivers down my spine and he laughs "you cold Dove?" he asks and i nod he just puts his arm around me and pulls me to him and i blush "Hi im Curtis!" i see a guy with long hair says and my eyes grow wider.

Breath Delilah Breath its okay.

"H-Hi" i stutter and Olis grip on me tightens "Well whats your name" he laughs.

I cant speak I cant im fozen.

"This is Delilah Curt can you go get me a water and Copelands blanket" Oliver says saving me and my eyes well with tears "Just breath dove it'll be okay I'll tell him to leave you alone he's just really friendly" he whispers and i nods blinking away the tears "Vic should've warned them.. n-not to speak to me" i stutter out "I know babe but he didnt do you wanna head downstairs and watch a movie?" he asks soothingly and i nod i tell Kellin where Copeland will be and he.just smiles at me "You and Oliver huh? Your actually talking to him" he whispers to me "I dont know what but i feel like i dont have to be scared of him.." i mumble "Thats a good thin Del have fun i dont know what it is but i think Oli likes you he's usually a little bit of a jerk to girls because he wasnt interested in them" Kellin says hugging me "Well hes very sweet to me" i smile "have fun dolly if you need me text me" and i nod and walk downstairs with Oliver while holding Cope "You look pretty" Oli says and i blush and shake my head no "you really do you're stunning babe" he says opening the door to the movie room i sit Copeland down with some toys and sit on the couch next to Oliver he turns on Batman and i cuddle into his chest but he pulls me off where im facing him i frown a bit and realise i messed up "Dove its not that i dont want you on me i just want you to tell me about your self" he says reading my mind and i start...

I need you so much ~Oliver Sykes~Where stories live. Discover now