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Your pov
"Jangjun? It's already getting late why are you still in bed?" I said while opening the door of our shared bedroom only to see the raccoon boy curled up into a ball with the blanket.

"Jangjun are you alrig-" 

"AH-CHOOOO" I was taken back when he let out a loud sneeze, causing me to yelp and he must have notice my presents.

"A-Ah Y/n! Y-you're back from- AH CHOOO" He said but sneeze again and cuddled more into the blanket.

I walked closer towards him and place my palm on his forehead. 

"Oh my goodness Jun! You're burning up!" I said and retrieve my hand from his burning forehead.

"No-No worries Y/n.. Its just a AH CHOOOO" He sneezed again.

"Jeez no worries?! Look at you, you can't even finish your sentence without sneezing!"I said with my hands crossed between each other only to earn another sniffle from Jangjun.

I turn on the heater in the room and look outside through the window of the room to see it's snowing heavily outside. It'll be difficult to carry Jangjun out in the snow and his cold could get worsen. 

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen and see whether we have some medicine for ya sickness." I said and got up from the bed but Jangjun just grab my arm preventing me from going anywhere.

"N-no! S-stay... AH CHOOO" He sneezed. I let out a sigh and remove his hand from my arm and place it back on the bed.

"I won't take long k. I'll be back and I'll make you some chicken soup ok?" I said and caressed his head softly. He pouted and nod before dozing back to sleep.

After I search through the cabinets of the whole kitchen, I manage to find some cold medicine for Jangjun and prepared a bowl of chicken soup for him. I carry the soup and medicine with a tray and quietly place it on the nightstand of our room and headed towards the bathroom to get a warm towel.

"Jangjun wake up. I bought you some soup." I shake his body gently and he got up slowly. I place his pillow behind him so he can sit up straight and eat. 

"Feed me..." Jangjun pouted and I give a slight laugh at his adorableness.

"Yah you're just sick in the head. Not the arm! Feed yourself, you're not a baby!!" I scolded.

"Uwa noona ahhh please feed me~~ Jeball~~" Jangjun whine and I mentally face palm myself that I'm taking care of a 21 year old baby.

"Alright araseo.." I sigh in defeat while he had a victory smug on his face.

I blow on the spoonful of soup for him before shoving it to his mouth. He grinned everytime when he tasted the soup.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked in annoyance.

"The soup is daebak! You're really good at cooking nowadays Y/n. Perhaps I should get sick more often hehe!" He said and I just flicked his forehead.

"Yah don't you get sick again. It's no fun to see you sick." I said and shove another spoonful of soup to shut him up.

"But you enjoy taking care of this sick boy right?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I couldn't help but to blush.

"Uwa I'm full! Thanks for the meal!" Jangjun said and plop back down on his bed. 

I smiled and place the empty bowl back on the tray before getting up to go down to the kitchen until I felt his hand grabbing me and pulling me down towards the bed.

"Lets just sleep Y/n." He mumbled while cuddling me tighter.

"Jangjun, I've got work to do. You need to get some sleep too in order to get well.." I said and try to get free from his hold but it was no use since he's too strong. Talk about a work out.

"Nope, I need my cuddle bunny to get well so you're staying here until I fall asleep." He said and rubbed his face against my hair.

"A-alright but ppali go to sleep k.." I said and started to get comfy with Jangjun still cuddling me in his embrace.

"Mhmm.." He hum and stirred back into his sleeps with his cuddle bunny beside him.

||I just love a good one shot of fluff. tbh I'm not sure whether is it fluffy enough xD. Here's a pic of fluffy Jangjunie in da bed because why not xP. ||

|| Thanks for reading and have and nice day||

One shots||Gncd Jangjun|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now